All on 6 et All on 4

Implant Treatment: All on 4 and All on 6 Technique

What is the All on 4 and All on 6 Technique?

All on 4 and All on 6 implant application techniques; It is the process of fixing the dental prosthesis with minimum implant application for patients who have compatibility problems with removable prostheses due to bone loss, who want to have a fixed prosthesis, and who have lost all their teeth. In these procedures, 4 to 8 implants are applied, depending on the condition of the individual’s jaw bones. You can find more detailed information about implant applications in our Dental Implant article. All on 4 and All on 6 applications increase the comfort of use by ensuring the fixation of the prosthesis. In addition, temporary prostheses provide an aesthetic advantage as they can be applied to the patient on the day of the procedure.

Who are All on 4 and All on 6 Techniques Suitable for?

All On Four and All on 6 treatment techniques; It is a suitable procedure for patients who have lost all their teeth and do not have any health problems that would prevent implant applications. In addition, All On Four and All on 6 techniques; It is also a suitable option for implant treatment in the same session as the extraction of these teeth in patients whose all teeth are damaged beyond treatment or have lost the surrounding bone support. These patients may not prefer to have multiple implant applications, or additional treatments may be required to place implants in the lost areas due to significant bone loss, especially in the back areas of the jaw line. In these cases, All on 4 and All on 6 techniques are suitable treatment alternatives for making a fixed prosthesis without the need for any additional procedures.

What are the advantages of All on 4 and All on 6 Techniques?

All on Six, All on 6, All on 4
All on 6 dental ceramic restoration on implants

The fact that All on 4 and All on 6 applications allow dentures to be made on the same day as implant treatment for patients who have lost all their teeth provides a great advantage in restoring aesthetic and functional features. The aesthetics of the prosthesis can be easily planned individually. Ensuring smile aesthetics by arranging the smile line can also be included in this planning. In the application of All on 4 and All on 6 treatment techniques, there is generally no need for additional procedures to increase the amount of bone on the jawbone or in the sinus floor. It is a comfortable treatment option. There is usually no pain or edema after the procedure. Rarely, minimal pain and edema may occur. However; Loss of comfort in this process can be easily prevented by regular use of the medications prescribed by the dentist. Cleaning and maintenance of dentures made with All on 4 and All on 6 techniques is easier than standard dental implant applications. Since the prosthesis prepared in practice is fixed and does not have a part sitting on the palate, it is much easier to use than removable dental prostheses.

What to Expect During All on 4 and All on 6 Treatment Processes?

In order to plan All on 4 and All on 6 treatments, the first session clinical and radiographic examinations must be performed in detail. It should be checked whether the amount of gum tissue and bone is sufficient for implant placement. In cases where it is not sufficient, additional procedures can be applied before treatment to gain the needed tissue in the relevant area. Depending on the condition of the tissues, bone addition is done by adding bone powder or by taking the patient’s own bone from a different area and placing it in the needed area. If these procedures are performed by surgeons who are experts in their fields, it is necessary to wait 4-6 months for the bone to reach ideal quality. After this process is completed, implant application can be performed by providing the necessary controls.

If all conditions are suitable for application, measurements are taken to prepare the temporary prosthesis. Computed tomographies, which allow detailed examination of the jaw bones, are used to determine the most ideal treatment while preserving the health of the surrounding tissues. Detailed measurements are made on the patient’s tomography image, and the areas where the implants will be applied are determined. In line with the created plan, if there are teeth that need to be extracted on the day of treatment, they are extracted and 4 or 6 implants are applied. These transactions; It can be easily performed under local anesthesia, but in patients with high levels of anxiety and fear, it can also be performed with sedation or general anesthesia. Temporary dental prostheses are fixed on the implants on the same day as implant applications. The process of fusing the implant and the bone is accomplished comfortably with temporary prostheses. At the end of this process, which takes an average of 3 months, the implants are ready for the construction of permanent prostheses.

What kind of process awaits you after All on 4 and All on 6 procedures?

restauration de couronne en zircone bouche complète sur implantsPain or edema rarely occurs after All on 4 and All on 6 procedures. This situation can be easily overcome without loss of comfort. Regular use of the medications prescribed by the dentist and applying cold compresses to the area are sufficient to control pain and edema in a short time. After the application, patients should be careful to put as little load on the temporary dental prosthesis as possible. For this reason, hard or sticky foods should be avoided and soft foods should be preferred while the temporary dentures are in the mouth. When the bond between the bone and the implant is ideally achieved, permanent dental prostheses are made. When permanent dental prostheses are fixed on the implant, normal nutrition can be resumed. Paying attention to oral care is also an important factor for the life of the implants.

What are the factors that determine the lifespan of All on 4 and All on 6 Applications?

All on 4 and All on 6 applications, whose long-term success has been proven by research, are the most comfortable method for patients who are suitable for this treatment technique. However, in this process, it is of great importance to ensure a good connection between the bone and the implant. In order to establish this connection in the most ideal way, the patient’s medications and recommended diet prescribed by the physician; It should be applied as recommended in the required period. And also; During the period when both temporary and permanent dental prostheses are used, attention should be paid to daily oral care and regular physician check-ups should be performed. In this way, the possibility of infection around the implant and loss of implants is prevented.

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If you want to get detailed information about our dental treatments, you can contact us by filling out our consultation form or you can get information directly from our WhatsApp line: +905443480787

Dental Veneer in Turkey, Antalya

Dental Veneer Types and Prices in Turkey

Dental Veneer Types and Prices

A dental veneer is a thin layer of porcelain or composite resin applied to the front surface of the tooth by dentists. Dental veneers can be used to correct the shape, size, color or alignment of teeth, to cover broken, cracked or decayed sections of teeth, or to improve the appearance of teeth.

Dental veneer application is generally a two-stage process. In the first stage, the dentist measures the size and shape of the tooth by removing a portion of the tooth to prepare the tooth. Then the dentist also takes a color sample, which helps the patient choose the shade they want. In the second stage, crown tooth impressions are prepared in the laboratory and placed appropriately on the tooth by the dentist.

While veneered teeth are generally used by dentists for aesthetic purposes, they can also be used to increase the durability of the teeth.

However, installing crown teeth interferes with the natural structure of the tooth and is an irreversible process, so before applying crown teeth, the dentist must talk to the patient in detail and inform the patient about his expectations and risks.

What are the Types of Dental Veneers?

Veneered teeth are usually made of porcelain or composite resin materials. Porcelain veneered teeth provide a color closer to the natural tooth color and are more durable. Composite resin coated teeth are more affordable and their application is faster. Another type of veneered teeth is zirconium coated teeth. Zirconium dental coating is a preferred material due to its durability and natural appearance.

Veneered teeth are generally made of porcelain or composite materials. Both materials have advantages and disadvantages, and the dentist and the patient must decide together which material to use.

Porcelain Veneer : Porcelain veneer teeth are the most commonly used type of veneer teeth. Porcelain is one of the materials most similar to natural teeth and offers a color option close to the natural color of the teeth.

The advantages of porcelain veneered teeth are:

Aesthetic appearance: Porcelain veneered teeth are very successful in terms of aesthetic appearance because they look like natural teeth.

Durability: Porcelain coated teeth are long-lasting and durable.

Easy to Clean: Porcelain veneered teeth can be cleaned by regular brushing and flossing, just like natural teeth.

Color options: Porcelain veneer teeth offer many color options and you can choose a color close to the natural color of the teeth.

Composite Veneer : Composite veneer teeth are prepared in the dentist’s office and used to shape the natural tooth.

Metal Supported Dental Veneers: It is a general name given to dental veneers in which the tooth surface is processed with metal and supported by ceramic coatings.

Deciding what material veneered teeth are made of depends on many factors such as the patient’s tooth structure, aesthetic preferences and budget. After assessing the patient’s condition, the dentist can make a recommendation on which material should be used.

Dental Veneer Porcleain
Before and after of Close up smile of smile makeover with dental veneer treatment.

What are the advantages of veneered teeth?

Veneered teeth provide many advantages. Here are the most important advantages of crown teeth:

Aesthetic Appearance: Dental veneers can be used to correct the color, size, shape and alignment of teeth. In this way, aesthetic problems in the teeth are eliminated and a more beautiful appearance is achieved. Porcelain veneered teeth are very similar to natural teeth and provide very successful results in terms of aesthetic appearance.

Durability: Veneered teeth are long-lasting and durable. As long as proper care is taken, they can last up to 10 years. Porcelain veneer teeth are particularly durable and designed to cope with the stress of chewing.

Easy to Clean: Veneer teeth can be cleaned by regular brushing and flossing, just like natural teeth. Additionally, veneered teeth are more resistant to tooth decay and staining.

Repair of Damage to Teeth: Veneered teeth can be used to correct fractures, cracks, stains and deformations on tooth surfaces. Thus, the teeth can be restored to their former healthy appearance.

Minimally Invasive: Dental veneer application is considered a minimally invasive method by dentists. Therefore, it can be used to correct the aesthetic appearance of teeth without damaging the natural structure of the tooth.

Fast and Effective: Veneered teeth can be used to solve aesthetic problems in teeth quickly and effectively. After taking the measurements of the teeth, the dentist prepares the crown teeth in the laboratory and performs the application. In this way, the aesthetic appearance of the teeth can be improved in a single session.

More Self-Confidence: Veneered teeth can increase people’s self-confidence. Because it improves the aesthetic appearance of the teeth and provides a more beautiful smile. A more beautiful smile creates a greater sense of self-confidence and self-confidence.

Porcelain Veneer in Turkey
Before and after smile makeover with dental veneer treatment in Turkey

How to Apply Dental Veneers

Dental veneer application is generally a two-stage process. In the first stage, the dentist removes a thin layer on the tooth and gives it a suitable shape. Then, measurements of the tooth are taken and the veneered tooth is prepared in the laboratory.

In the second stage, the crown is placed on the tooth and bonded. The dentist makes adjustments as necessary to match the veneer to the color and shape of the tooth.

Veneer Teeth Prices

Dental veneer prices vary depending on many factors. These factors include the type of material used, the dentist’s experience and expertise, the location of the tooth, and the region where the patient is located.

Veneered teeth are usually made of porcelain or composite material. Porcelain veneered teeth are more durable and long-lasting, but are more expensive. Composite veneer teeth are more affordable, but have a shorter lifespan.

On average, the price of veneer teeth can vary between 150 EUR – 200 EUR for porcelain veneer teeth and 120-150 EUR for composite veneer teeth. However, the fees charged by dentists may vary depending on the area to be treated, the application method and the materials to be used.

For this reason, it is recommended to discuss the price in detail with the dentist before dental veneer application.

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If you want to get detailed information about our dental treatments, you can contact us by filling out our consultation form or you can get information directly from our whatsapp line: +905443480787. Our doctors will plan the most appropriate treatment for you and provide detailed information.

Qu'est-Ce Qu'un Implant Dentaire ?

Full Mouth Implant: Advantages, Treatment Process

Full Mouth Implant: Advantages, Treatment Process

Full mouth implant application is one of the preferred treatment methods in case of complete toothlessness of the patient. A full mouth implant is applied if the patient is completely edentulous or if all of his teeth are extracted for a certain reason.

Since almost all patients want to have fixed prostheses in case of complete edentulism, this treatment method, which has useful and advantageous aspects, is preferred. In order to achieve the most successful results in full mouth implant treatment in a short time, experienced dentists and well-equipped clinics in this field should be selected.

What is Full Mouth Implant Treatment?

Full mouth implant application, as the name suggests, is a fixed prosthesis treatment that covers all the patient’s teeth. This treatment, in which all teeth in the mouth are renewed and turned into fixed prosthesis on implants, has many advantages. In this method, missing teeth can be replaced by surgical tools such as bridges and crowns placed in place of implant screws.

Full mouth implant treatment may be preferred in order for patients whose teeth were extracted for a specific reason to have speaking and chewing skills without reducing their quality of life. Full mouth implant treatment is completed with fixed prostheses that provide long-lasting use like natural teeth. Implant treatment, which offers an aesthetic appearance when viewed from the outside, also helps to clarify facial lines.

When brushed regularly, it is not possible to experience any problems caused by full mouth implant treatment.

Who Can Have Full Mouth Implant Treatment?

Those who have full mouth implants are generally people who suffer from complete toothlessness. In cases where the patient is missing all of his natural teeth, this method may be preferred so that he can have new teeth as naturally as possible. In this way, patients can have healthier speaking and chewing skills while also meeting their aesthetic expectations in the best possible way. Apart from this, people for whom full mouth implant treatment is recommended are:

Those who have many missing teeth

Those with a large portion of their teeth badly damaged

Those with multiple teeth treated with multiple root canals and crowns

People who cannot provide adequate oral care

It is possible to achieve very successful results in a short time with full mouth implant treatments performed by specialist dentists. People who are looking for a fixed prosthesis because it is durable and permanent can choose full mouth implant treatment. You can choose our dental clinic, which has been providing satisfaction-oriented services and treatments in this field for many years, with peace of mind.

What are the Advantages of Full Mouth Implant Treatment?

implant dentisteThanks to the advantages of full mouth implants, patients can benefit from many benefits both physically and psychologically. Since implants are placed in the jawbone, they have many advantages in jawbone and chewing performance:

It reduces the patient’s risk of bone loss. The implant attached to the jawbone significantly reduces the risk of bone loss as it preserves the size and volume of this area.

Since it preserves bone height and volume, it prevents the lower part of the face from looking old and wrinkled.

Thanks to implant-supported full mouth dentures, it provides an aesthetic appearance as the necessary fullness is provided in the cheek and lip area.

Speech quality improves much better than other treatment options.

It provides the most appropriate speaking ability as the complaint of lisping will be observed when the missing teeth are not replaced.

It provides ease of eating as it has better chewing efficiency.

Despite the need for frequent insertion and removal and maintenance of dentures, full mouth implants are much more comfortable.

Since it is a permanent restoration, it can be used for many years and a lifetime if oral hygiene is taken into consideration.

As the patient’s speaking and chewing quality improves, he/she renews his/her self-confidence in life.

In order to get the best results in full mouth implant application, which significantly improves the quality of life, experienced dentists should be preferred. It is very important for dentists to start full mouth implant treatment using the most ideal methods and materials for the patient to achieve efficient results.

Therefore, in order not to leave your job to chance, you can get professional support from our experienced dentists working in our clinic for full mouth implant treatment.

How is Full Mouth Implant Treatment Done?

When performing full mouth implant treatment, the patient’s medical history is first examined and a comprehensive examination is required. In this process, implant planning is completed using 3D x-ray and tomography devices.

The specialist dentist determines which diameter and length of implant to choose by making certain measurements. After the analysis is completed, the patient is given local anesthesia and full mouth implant treatment is started.

The procedure is completed after the implants, which are placed on the jawbone under the teeth, are placed in their sockets and fused.

Following this operation, fixed prostheses are placed and full mouth implant treatment is completed. To achieve successful results, it is necessary to get support from experienced dentists.

Are Full Mouth Implant-supported Dentures Durable?

All-4-Four-TechnikYou do not need to worry about the durability of full mouth implant-supported dentures. Because the materials used in full mouth implant treatment are the strongest and have the longest lifespan among fixed dentures.

If regular dental and oral care is continued, it can be used for many years without any problems. People who do not neglect their oral care after treatment can use full-mouth implant-supported dental prostheses almost for a lifetime.

What is Single Stage Full Mouth Implant Treatment?

Single application full mouth implant treatment is generally preferred for patients who do not want the waiting period. However, in order to obtain successful results at this stage, the patient’s jawbone must be compatible with certain conditions.

When performing a single-stage full mouth implant, the implant and abutment are placed in one step. Although the application becomes simpler in this way, there may be problems with the negative loads that may come on the implant during healing.

Therefore, experienced dentists should be preferred in this method, which may even cause implant loss.

What is Two-Stage Full Mouth Implant Treatment?

Double-stage full mouth implant treatment is a process in which the gum is cut open, the bone is drilled according to the size of the implant and the implant is placed. After this application, the gum is stitched and the implant is waited for fusion. After the implant fuses to the jawbone within an average of 1-3 months, the gum on the implant must be opened using different techniques.

The two-stage implant treatment is completed by placing the crown structure on the gum opened with the help of laser, a small incision or punch.

After this procedure, which is performed in a clinical environment and by specialist dentists, nothing is visible in the oral cavity. After the second surgery, when the abutment with gum shapers or implant abutments is attached, metallic extensions can be noticed in the mouth.

What Materials Are Used in Full Mouth Implant Treatment?

The materials used in full mouth implant treatment are selected from materials that are both long-lasting and will improve the patient’s quality of life. In implant treatment, which has been used in dentistry for many years, the materials most compatible with the human biological system must be selected.

For this reason, titanium and its alloys are used because they are very compatible with human tissue and fuse very well with bone. Today, in addition to implant materials made of titanium and its alloys, zirconium implants are also becoming increasingly common. Therefore, titanium and zirconium materials are generally chosen for full mouth implant treatments.

What are Full Mouth Implant Prices?

Full Mouth implant prices vary depending on the implant brand used. In addition, the patient’s bone level also affects the prices.

The Most Affordable Price of All on 6 in Our Clinic in Turkey

Implant treatment is a treatment that requires 2 visits to our country.

An Example Pricing for All on 6 (First Visit ) 
6 Osstem Implant for Upper Jaw
6 Osstem Implant for Lower Jaw
12 multiunit system
Temporary Tooth
4400 GBP

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If you want to get detailed information about our dental treatments, you can contact us by filling out our consultation form or on our whatsapp line +90 5443480787 You can get information directly . Our doctors will plan the most appropriate treatment for you and provide detailed information.