Qu'est-Ce Qu'un Implant Dentaire ?

Dental Implant: What Is It?

Dental Implant: What Is It?

Dental implants are artificial titanium tooth roots placed into the jawbone to replace teeth lost due to various reasons. Implants offer better speech and chewing functions compared to traditional dentures, while providing a natural appearance to your face.

Implant treatment is a comfortable and reliable procedure. The operation can be performed painlessly under local anesthesia, and in some cases, general anesthesia may also be applied. However, it’s important to note that for implantation, healthy gums and sufficient bone structure to support the implant are essential.

Dental implants are made of titanium. High-quality implants use titanium with a purity level of over 99%, which is more expensive than other brands due to the effort to create a surface that bone tissue will readily bond with.

Is implant treatment comfortable and safe?

Implant treatments are safe and comfortable as long as they are performed by an expert team in a completely sterile environment. The treatment consists of a surgical procedure and prosthetic procedure.

Who is a candidate for dental implants?

The success of implant treatment depends on the jaw structure and adequacy of the jawbone. In cases where bone density is insufficient, artificial bone powder can be applied to the area before the implant operation.

There is no upper age limit for implant treatment, but anyone over 18 years old and whose bone development is complete can undergo implant treatment. However, individuals with uncontrolled diabetes, hypertension, blood clotting issues, or severe heart conditions should not undergo implant operations without permission from their physicians.

Is there any pain during the implant procedure?

During the implant procedure, the patient does not feel any pain or discomfort thanks to local anesthesia applied to the mouth. After the operation, any potential discomfort can usually be alleviated with regular pain relievers.

How long does it take to place implants in the mouth?

The duration of the implant procedure depends on the number of implants to be placed in the mouth, but typically, it takes about 5-10 minutes to place one implant.

Can implants be placed immediately after tooth extraction?

There are two different approaches to this issue. If there is no inflammation or defect at the extraction site, an implant can be placed immediately. However, if there is any defect, artificial bone powder can be applied to the area, and the implant operation should be delayed for about 2 months to allow the extraction site to heal properly.

How long should one wait for prostheses after implant placement?

After the implant operation, it is necessary to wait for the implant to integrate with the jawbone, which takes about 2-6 months.

What are the advantages of dental implant treatment?

Implants allow prostheses to resemble natural teeth most closely.

  • Compared to traditional dentures, they provide better chewing and speaking functions.
  • They have a more aesthetic appearance than other prostheses.
  • Implants can restore missing teeth without affecting adjacent healthy teeth.
  • For total dentures, they improve retention. For example, retention is quite low for lower total dentures. By placing 2 implants in the lower jaw, retention is significantly improved.

What is the lifespan of a dental implant?

Implants have been observed to remain trouble-free throughout a person’s life. However, several factors affect their lifespan, with the patient’s oral hygiene being of utmost importance.

How should implants be maintained and cleaned?

  • Prostheses should be brushed properly at least twice a day. You can ask your doctor for effective brushing techniques.
  • Using interdental brushes or dental floss can help remove food residues between teeth and around implants.
  • You can use mouthwash or oral irrigator for oral hygiene.

Do implants carry any risk of allergy or cancer?

Implants do not pose any risk of allergy or cancer.

Should continuously used medications be stopped before the implant operation?

Before the implant operation, some of the medications you are taking may need to be temporarily stopped under the supervision of your doctor. Therefore, it’s beneficial for your doctor and dentist to communicate before the operation.

Can implant-supported prostheses be renewed?

Yes, implant-supported prostheses can be renewed. During the renewal process, the implants (the screw part) remain in the mouth, and only the prostheses placed on top of the implants are renewed. Implant-supported prostheses, like other prostheses, have a lifespan, which can be extended by proper care and oral hygiene.

Are dental implants recommended for individuals who smoke?

Smoking and alcohol use can prolong the healing process after implant operations and make the process more challenging. Therefore, at least during the recovery period, we advise our patients to avoid smoking and alcohol consumption.

Do patients stay without teeth during the healing and waiting period after the implant operation?

Patients do not have to stay without teeth during this period. We provide our patients with temporary prostheses until the definitive prostheses are made after the implant operation.

When can patients return to their social life after the implant operation?

Patients can return to their normal daily life immediately after the implant operation.

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How To Choose A Toothbrush?

How To Choose A Toothbrush?

It is actually best to get help from a dentist when choosing a toothbrush. Because the condition of your gums is best known by your dentist.

The toothbrush is not limited to the generally known toothbrush options in the market. It would be better for you to decide with your dentist the most suitable brush for you. After using several different brushes, patients can choose the most suitable brush for them.

Whether the toothbrush can be angled or not, whether the handle is angled or not, is related to the user’s preference. The size of the brush  is very important when choosing a brush. The depth of the gums of the patients and the ability to move the brush in that area is a very important issue. Therefore, brushes with very large heads can cause problems in use. As far as possible, smaller-headed brushes may be more useful. It is recommended to choose brushes that have easy access to the rear parts.

The best toothbrushes for cleaning your teeth and gums are those with soft, rounded or polished bristles. Firm or hard toothbrushes can damage your gum tissues.

The size and shape of the toothbrush should be such that it can reach every tooth. There are various sized toothbrushes for children and adults, as well as toothbrushes with various bristle shapes. Remember, only the tips of the bristles on the toothbrush clean, so there is no need to press the toothbrush with great force.

Replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months or before if the bristles of the brush are bent. So you always use a toothbrush with bristles that better remove plaque (bacteria and sugar) from the surface of your teeth and gums. Bristles that curve outward indicate that it’s past time to replace your toothbrush.

Buying a Toothbrush for Children

It is most appropriate for children to start brushing their teeth at the age of 2.5 -3 years. However, the important thing at these ages is to make them love brushing in order to gain this habit, rather than brushing itself. For this, we can choose colored and flavored special children’s pastes and toothbrushes available in the market. Children often only brush the visible front surfaces because they perceive it as a game. For this reason, it is the best way for parents to accompany the child and teach him to brush his teeth.

First of all, since children’s teeth and gums are much more sensitive than adults, the product used must be suitable for this sensitive structure. Brushes with soft bristles and suitable for the child’s mouth size should be purchased. Hard toothbrush bristles are not suitable for use as they will abrade the teeth. It will be sufficient to ensure that children brush their teeth for three minutes after breakfast and before going to bed at night.

What should adults consider when buying a toothbrush?

It is important to buy various toothbrush brands that are suitable for our mouth and teeth and approved by doctors. In addition, flossing once a day is ideal for cleaning areas that the toothbrush cannot reach. Mouthwash especially helps us to have a fresh breath. The toothbrush should be neither too hard nor too soft, but if the person has very sensitive gums or is sick, it is appropriate to prefer soft bristle brushes, the toothbrush used by a normal adult should have medium hard bristles and the head should be of the appropriate size for the mouth. Instead of brushes with very thin handles, we should choose brush handles with a certain thickness and softness; thus, it provides ease of movement while brushing our teeth.

In addition, brushes with a newly released tongue cleaner feature may also be ideal for us. For our oral and dental health, we should brush not only our teeth, but also our gums and tongue. Cheek cleansers are also recommended, especially for people with gum or oral problems. Of course, toothpaste is also very important in addition to the toothbrush. Toothpastes with fluoride and recommended by our dentist, if possible, may be the best for us.

Rechargeable Toothbrushes

Rechargeable toothbrushes, which give more effective results than normal toothbrushes, eliminate plaque formation. Rechargeable toothbrushes, which do not harm the gums and minimize gum diseases, do not damage the gums according to research and do not bleed the gums compared to normal toothbrushes. Since electric toothbrushes are smaller and rounder, they move more easily in the mouth and provide deep cleaning. Experts state that electric toothbrushes are more effective against the formation of bacteria and plaque.

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Pink Aesthetics

Benefits of Pink Aesthetics

Benefits of Pink Aesthetics

The gingiva is as important as the visible tooth. Here, aesthetic touches to the gingiva and bringing the gingiva to its ideal and healthy form are called pink aesthetics. There is no harm when the procedures are carried out by experts in a completely professional manner.

Who Is Pink Aesthetic Applied?

All of the procedures to be applied by specialist dentists are organized to cover the preferences of the person, oral and dental health and demands. After the pink aesthetic applied to the gums, if you wish, your teeth can be whiter than ever before with a very small intervention with dental lamina application. Laminate application can also be done as a single procedure, or you can participate in laser teeth whitening sessions.

In this type of tooth and gum treatment applications and before pink aesthetics, the compatibility of the person’s mouth structure with this, the potential results and ideal appearance are taken into consideration.

Pink aesthetics can be done in the following cases.

  • Those with more gums
  • Those with very few gums
  • Different upper and lower gingival levels
  • Those with asymmetrical gingival appearance
  • Those who suffer from gingivitis

In such cases, it is not possible for the person to have an aesthetic smile. The appearance of the gums, their absence, the appearance of an asymmetrical appearance, or the appearance of various inflammations and related complications may affect the self-confidence of the person.

Pink Aesthetic Application Methods

There are several different techniques applied for pink aesthetics, known as gingival aesthetics. Depending on the patient’s teeth and gingival structure, the treatment needed and the demands submitted for the results to be obtained, the most appropriate treatment method is determined and applied.

  • Gingivectomy

You must have come across people whose palates, that is, gums, look too much, apart from their teeth, while smiling. This can lead to an aesthetic appearance that bothers most people. Therefore, it is a form of treatment that allows people to prevent the problem of gingival enlargement and to get rid of excess gingiva. It is also applied for asymmetrical gums.

  • Regenerative

Regenerative is a term used in many branches. Self-repair of gums, which have been damaged and tissue damaged due to gingivitis or various diseases, is provided. The body immediately takes action in such deformations and shows signs of recovery.

  • Gingivoplasty

It is a form of treatment based on a similar technique to gingivectomy and targeting the more visible parts of the gums. However, the main difference between gingivectomy and gingivoplasty is that a more ideal level is achieved with gingival pockets.

  • Crown Lengthening Treatment

By completely recreating both the structure of the gum and the bone structure, a more aesthetic appearance is achieved. This is an application that lengthens the teeth and eliminates the difference in symmetry.

What Are The Benefits Of Good Aesthetic?

One of the most important advantages of pink aesthetics is that it is a completely painless application. However, on the other hand, we cannot pass without mentioning the following details.

  • Prevents and treats inflammations that occur or will occur in the gingiva
  • Provides healing of gingival tissues
  • It prevents possible tooth loss.
  • You get healthier teeth with healthier gums
  • A more symmetrical and aesthetic smile emerges as the length of the teeth can be adjusted.

It should be said that the average pink aesthetic recovery period is between 1 and 7 days. So it is possible to continue your life from where you left off.

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Wisdom Tooth Surgery

Wisdom Tooth Surgery

Wisdom Tooth Surgery

How are wisdom teeth surgeries done?

If the wisdom tooth root is buried in a horizontal position, if its roots are embedded in the bone in a split position, the tooth is pulled apart by cutting it into pieces. If your wisdom teeth are impacted, a cut is made in the gum to reach the bone if there is a gum on it. A comfortable environment is prepared for tooth extraction. The tooth is divided into parts and removed from the area.

In which situation are the impacted wisdom teeth extracted?

Impacted wisdom teeth are usually caused by inflammation of the soft tissue. These inflammations cause pain and ache in the patient. It causes a cyst to form in the area that will cause inflammation in the teeth. Therefore, these teeth should be removed as soon as possible. Inflamed wisdom teeth are treated with antibiotic drugs given by the doctor. As long as the inflamed teeth are not extracted, the infection will repeat itself. Wisdom teeth that cannot find enough space on the jawbone remain embedded. This puts pressure on the teeth and causes pain in the teeth. If the impacted teeth do not have enough space above the jawbone, they will compress the teeth and cause the teeth to be crooked. It rots the molars next to the horizontal and diagonal teeth. Bacterial plaques formed on wisdom teeth trigger gum problems.

What happens after impacted wisdom tooth surgery?

After the wisdom tooth surgery, the patient is observed for a while during the examination. If no adverse events occur during this period, the patient is sent home. In order to prevent inflammation after wisdom tooth surgery, the doctor gives a prescription to the patient. If you use your medicines regularly, your aches and pains will be relieved in a short time and your swelling will go down. Wounds in the mouth heal quickly within a few days. The body pumps more blood to the mouth area. This is why post-dental bleeding is excessive. After the impacted wisdom tooth extraction, coagulation occurs in the area with the cavity. The wounds in this area heal within a few days. Healing is completed in 2-3 months with bone formation. After the impacted wisdom tooth surgery, the patient should consume plenty of fluids. Compress should be applied with ice water to prevent swelling in the area.

How Is Wisdom Tooth Extraction Performed?

Wisdom teeth are a source of problems for many people. The jaw structure is smaller in some people. Narrow jawbone causes crooked teeth. Wisdom teeth are located just behind the two molars of our mouth. There are 4 wisdom teeth, 2 lower and 2 upper. Wisdom teeth may be absent in some people. 20-year-olds begin to appear at the age of 17 and completes its development at the age of 30.

Anatomical Conditions That May Occur Around Wisdom Teeth

The maxillary sinus cavity is located at the top of the wisdom teeth. Sinus cavities are air spaces between the facial bones. Sinuses clean the air we breathe. Adjusts the resonances of the sound. It reduces the weight of the skull. Improper force application while pulling wisdom teeth causes the broken tooth pieces to escape into the sinus cavity. It is necessary to be more sensitive when pulling the wisdom teeth in the lower jaw. This region divides the lower jaw into two parts, right and left. When the nerves passing through this section are damaged, it causes temporary numbness in the lip. While the wisdom teeth in the lower jaw are being pulled, the incision made on the gum may damage the lingual nerve in this area. This damage causes numbness of the tongue area.

Why Should We Extract Impacted Wisdom Teeth?

Soft tissue inflammation around a semi-impacted wisdom tooth is a very common condition. Infections in the gums are delayed by the use of antibiotics. Unless wisdom teeth are operated on, this situation will repeat constantly. Impacted wisdom teeth can sometimes cause cysts and tumors to form around the teeth.

How is impacted wisdom tooth surgery performed?

Panoramic x-ray film is taken before impacted tooth surgery. In the film, the impacted position of the teeth and the dangerous situations that may occur around the teeth are detected. If the specialist physician deems it necessary, 3D dental tomography is taken. The relationship of the tooth with the nerves passing by the impacted teeth is determined. The boundaries of the sinuses are determined with wisdom teeth. In wisdom tooth surgery, a small incision is made together with anesthesia. The gingival flap is lifted and the gingiva is reached.

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Bad Breath

What is Bad Breath?

What is Bad Breath?

Bad breath is one of the health problems that affect social life the most. This problem causes a serious decrease in the quality of daily life of people. A very detailed investigation is required to detect and treat the problem. In chronic bad breath problems, people should immediately consult a dentist.

The cause of bad breath may be the harbinger of different diseases. In order to understand the underlying problem, a specialist dentist control is required. One of the most important causes of bad breath is the lack of hygiene. Maintaining oral hygiene can help people to eliminate or reduce this problem.

In order to ensure oral hygiene, recommended toothpaste and oral hygiene products can be used.

Bad Breath Causes

Bad breath develops depending on different factors. A dentist should be consulted to solve the problem. Since the problem of bad breath is a long-term problem, its solutions should also have lasting effects.

The causes of bad breath can be listed as follows:

  1. The formation of bad odor in the mouth may be due to the formed dental calculus. When tartar problems progress, it causes tooth loss.
  2. Another of the most important reasons that trigger bad breath is inflammation of the gums.
  3. Different problems in the mouth cause odor in the mouth.
  4. Not brushing enough teeth also causes bad breath.

Bad Breath Solution

Bad breath affects people’s daily life seriously. Finding effective solutions in a short time allows this problem to be solved in a short time. In case of bad breath, first of all, attention should be paid to oral hygiene. Brushing the teeth twice a day should not be interrupted in any case. Brushing your teeth at least twice protects your enamel and prevents the formation of calculus.

Bad breath solution is terminated by some methods. These methods include changing your toothbrush at regular intervals. Brushing not only your teeth but also your tongue prevents bacterial growth in the mouth.

The use of dental floss also prevents mouth odor. It ends the formation of stones in the teeth.

Bad Breath Occurrence in Babies

Children and babies may experience bad breath in some cases. All situations that affect bad breath in adults are also valid for children and babies. In this respect, it is necessary to evaluate oral hygiene in the first place.

Oral hygiene is one of the leading causes of bad breath. In some cases, mouth odor can also be seen in children who sleep with their mouths open. This is due to bacteria that build up in the mouth at night. Dry mouth causes bad breath over time. Low water consumption is one of the most important causes of dry mouth.

Bad breath in babies can be a sign of some oral health problems. Parents who encounter this problem should immediately contact a specialist pediatrician. If necessary, dental assistance can also be obtained.

Prevent Bad Breath

Oral problems cause other diseases in the body over time. In order to solve this situation, some important measures need to be taken. In order to prevent bad breath, people should be given oral hygiene training within certain age groups. Brushing at least two teeth a day is the most important recommendation in the training content.

Eating food at regular intervals causes the formation of bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria can be removed with dental floss. The tongue and cheek parts should also be cleaned with the help of a brush during brushing. The most bacterial formation is seen in this part.

The use of antibacterial mouthwash can also be used to prevent bad breath.

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Teeth Cleaning

Information About Teeth Cleaning

Information About Teeth Cleaning

Every food consumed during the day causes acidic reactions in the mouth and leaves residues on the teeth. As a result, bacterial plaques form on the teeth. As a result of regular brushing of the teeth, bacterial plaques can be cleaned, the acidic pH formed in the mouth can be neutralized, and the food residues left in the mouth and teeth can be removed. If the teeth are not brushed regularly and floss is not used, the bacterial plaques on the teeth can stay for a long time and cause dental caries that can damage the tooth enamel.

As a result of the hardening of some of the bacterial plaques, hard calculus forms that cannot be removed by normal tooth brushing. Yellow or brownish tartar formed on the teeth as a result of the hardening of bacterial plaques can be cleaned by dentists using special equipment.

How Is Teeth Cleaning Performed?

Various tools are used to clean the plaque on the tooth surface of the patient who is deemed suitable for tartar cleaning. Thanks to the tools that do not harm the tooth enamel, the plaques that cover the surface of the tooth are cleaned. After scaling, a smooth and clean tooth surface is obtained.

If necessary, applications for whitening and polishing teeth can also be performed in patients who have plaque cleaning. Teeth cleaning has an important role in preventing problems such as gingivitis, gingival recession and even tooth loss.

Even if oral and dental care is done correctly and regularly, some minerals contained in foods and saliva can cause a recurrence of tartar formation between 6 months and 1 year.

The first step in calculus cleaning is usually the use of ultrasonic devices. In this way, dental stones are cracked by vibration. With this process, after the removal of large tartar from the teeth, the spilled layers are cleaned by spraying water into the mouth.

Then, small tartars are cleaned using fine instruments. Processing continues until all of the tartar in the curved parts of the teeth and between the teeth is removed. After the tartar is completely cleaned, the scaling process ends with the application of tooth polish or toothpaste containing fluoride.

Things to Consider After Teeth Cleaning

Do not eat or drink anything for the first 2 hours after tartar cleaning. Consumption of hot and cold foods and beverages should be avoided in the first 24 hours.

It is considered normal to have a slight tingling in the teeth in the first few days after scaling and even to feel sensitive to heat and cold. Applying ice compresses can be an effective solution to eliminate possible swelling. The comfort of the patient can be increased by prescribing simple painkillers to relieve mild severe pain felt in the first days after scaling.

It is very important for the patient to pay attention to oral and dental care after tartar cleaning. In the early post-treatment period, the dental cleaning process may cause some discomfort for the patient. However, it is very important to pay attention to brushing and flossing the teeth.

There is a risk of light bleeding in the first days following tartar cleaning. In this process, the use of antiseptic mouthwashes may be beneficial. Some wobble may occur in the teeth after tartar cleaning in people who have dense calculus or have gum disease in the future.

Dentist checks should not be interrupted every 6 months after scaling cleaning. If the dentist deems it necessary, it may be necessary to repeat the tartar cleaning process.

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If you want to get detailed information about our dental treatments, you can contact us by filling out our consultation form or you can get information directly from our whatsapp line : +905443480787. Our doctors will plan the most appropriate treatment for you and provide detailed information.


Things To Know About Porcelain Laminated Veneer

Things To Know About Porcelain Laminated Veneer

What is Laminated Veneer?

It is a type of aesthetic coating applied to eliminate the conditions that can negatively affect both the smile and psychology of the person, such as collision, color loss, fracture in the teeth. Two different materials can be used in Laminated Venneer veneers. These are veneers that can be obtained from porcelain or composite material. In this article, we will talk about porcelain veneer.

Porcelain laminate veneers can be used to correct the following conditions:

  • Teeth discoloration or staining: Porcelain veneers can restore the natural whiteness of the teeth or provide the desired color of teeth.
  • Irregularities in the shape and size of the teeth: Porcelain laminate veneers can be used to correct the shape of the teeth, to close small tooth gaps or to improve the proportion of the teeth.
  • Broken or cracked teeth: Porcelain laminate veneers both improve the aesthetic appearance and increase the durability of the tooth by covering broken or cracked teeth.
  • Alignment of teeth: Slight crowding or gaps between teeth can be corrected with porcelain veneers.

In which situations should porcelain laminate veneers not be applied?

  • Lack of enough enamel tissue
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Gum problem
  • Closing disorders
  • Excessive tooth alignment disorders
  • Movements such as clenching, grinding, chewing and breaking hard objects

Is etching done on the tooth surface in porcelain laminate veneers?

Whether or not the tooth surface will be etched is determined according to the needs of the patient.

Excessive discoloration of the teeth, collisions, large and long teeth are the conditions that need to be worn on the teeth.

Laminate veneer can be applied without any abrasion from the teeth in cases such as the back position of the teeth, small teeth, slight discoloration or preservation of the existing color, spaces between the teeth.

What should be considered after porcelain laminate veneers are made?

  • Take care of oral hygiene: Maintain the habits of brushing, flossing and mouthwash at least twice a day.
  • Go to your dentist for regular checkups: Your dentist will assess the condition of the veneers, clean and, if necessary, detect and treat any problems early.
  • Avoid hard or sticky foods: Porcelain laminate veneers are durable, but overly hard or sticky foods can damage teeth and increase the risk of veneers cracking or breaking.
  • Control teeth grinding or clenching habits: Teeth grinding or clenching can damage porcelain laminate veneers. If you have such a habit, talk to your dentist about this and take the necessary precautions.
  • Be wary of heavy impacts: Consider wearing a protective mouthguard, especially if you’re involved in sports or activities that risk a serious blow to your teeth or jaw.
  • Do not clamp or open your teeth frequently: Clamping your teeth with pencils, nails or similar objects or opening and closing the teeth can damage the veneers.
  • Do not smoke and limit alcohol consumption: Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can cause discoloration or staining of porcelain laminate veneers. You can protect your veneers by staying away from them.

Following your dentist’s recommendations and maintaining regular oral care after having your porcelain laminate veneers will help you achieve a long-lasting and healthy result.

Do laminates have a certain expiration date?

Since each patient’s situation is different, how long porcelain laminate veneers will last may vary from person to person. Your dentist will consider these factors when determining the most appropriate treatment option for you and evaluating the durability of veneers.

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If you want to get detailed information about our dental treatments, you can contact us by filling out our consultation form or you can get information directly from our whatsapp line: +905443480787 Our doctors will plan the most appropriate treatment for you and provide detailed information.

أمراض اللثة وعلاجها

Dental Sensivity: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Methods

Dental Sensivity: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Methods

Today, many people face the problem of tooth sensitivity. Tooth sensitivity is the feeling of pain or discomfort in the teeth caused by the consumption of hot, cold, sweet or sour foods and beverages. This causes damage to the enamel and dentin layers of the teeth. In case of progression of caries, pain and sensitivity may increase in the nerve endings.

  • Acidic drinks and acidic foods can erode tooth enamel. As a result of enamel wear, it can cause tooth sensitivity.
  • Factors such as incorrect brushing technique, gingivitis or advanced periodontal disease can cause gingival recession. As a result of gingival recession, the root surface of the tooth is exposed and sensitivity may occur.
  • Caries can cause sensitivity by damaging the enamel and dentin layers of the teeth.
  • Clenching or grinding the teeth day or night (bruxism) can cause tooth wear and damage to the enamel layer. This can lead to tooth sensitivity.

What Are the Symptoms of Tooth Sensitivity?

  • Pain or discomfort with consumption of hot or cold foods and beverages
  • Pain or discomfort with consumption of sugary or acidic foods
  • Pain or discomfort while brushing or flossing
  • Pain or discomfort when teeth come into contact with something hard

What Can Be Done to Prevent Tooth Sensitivity?

  • Use the right brushing technique: Brush your teeth regularly and correctly daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush. It is important to clean your teeth without eroding or damaging the enamel.
  • Use sensitive toothpaste: Choose sensitive toothpastes specially formulated for people with tooth sensitivity. Such toothpastes can help strengthen tooth enamel and reduce sensitivity.
  • Be mindful of toothbrush selection: Using a hard-bristled toothbrush can damage tooth enamel. It may be more convenient to use a soft or medium hard toothbrush.
  • Limit acidic foods and drinks: Acidic foods and drinks such as lemons, oranges, soda can damage tooth enamel and increase sensitivity. Be careful and limit as much as possible when consuming such foods and beverages.
  • Make regular check-ups with your dentist: People with tooth sensitivity should visit their dentist regularly. Your dentist will evaluate your teeth and recommend appropriate treatment methods.
  • Consult your dentist if you have trouble clenching or grinding your teeth at night. This can cause tooth sensitivity and wear down your teeth. Your dentist can recommend appropriate treatments.
  • You may want to consider using specially formulated mouthwashes or toothpastes to prevent or reduce tooth sensitivity. You can choose the most suitable product for you by consulting your dentist.

What are Tooth Sensitivity Treatment Methods?

Gum sensitivity in turkeyGum Treatment: Gum diseases can cause damage to the bones and tissues that hold the teeth, and can lead to tooth sensitivity. This treatment allows to clean the gum tissues, repair damaged tissues and stop the progression of gum disease.

Braces: If tooth sensitivity is an issue caused by gaps between teeth, braces can be used. Braces close the gaps between teeth and can reduce tooth sensitivity.

Fluoride Application: Dentists can apply fluoride to sensitive areas of teeth to strengthen tooth enamel. This app can help reduce tooth sensitivity.

 Tooth Filling: Cavities or fractures in the teeth can cause tooth sensitivity. Dentists can fill teeth to solve these problems.

Tooth Veneer: Dental veneer can reduce tooth sensitivity by covering sensitive areas of teeth.


Remember, if you are experiencing tooth sensitivity, it is recommended that you consult a dentist. Your dentist can identify the cause of the sensitivity and offer you appropriate treatment options. Therefore, it is recommended that people who encounter a problem such as tooth sensitivity should consult a dentist.


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If you want to get detailed information about our dental treatments, you can contact us by filling out our consultation form or you can get information directly from our whatsapp line: +905443480787 Our doctors will plan the most appropriate treatment for you and provide detailed information.

Implant Dentaire en Turquie

10 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants

10 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants

In cases where dental implant treatment is required, we know that many patients first face a feeling of fear. However, implant treatment is not as difficult and painful as you think. Implant application under local anesthesia does not cause pain or pain to the patient. If you have missing teeth in the mouth or if you are using a total denture, you may consider implant treatment.
We have prepared the 10 most frequently asked questions and answers about dental implant treatment for you below.

1. What is a dental implant and how does it work?

Dental implants are structures in the form of screws or roots made of titanium, which are used to replace missing teeth or teeth and are intended to heal around this implant and accept it as a part of itself. In addition, implants help teeth to perform better chewing by creating a solid jaw structure. Dental implants provide the closest results to natural teeth in terms of aesthetics and offer a long-lasting solution.

2. Is dental implant surgery painful?

Local anesthesia is used during dental implant surgery, so you usually experience minimal or no pain. Anesthesia is a method used to prevent pain.
However, a slight feeling of discomfort or pain is normal after implant surgery. You may experience mild swelling, bruising or tenderness for a few days after the procedure. These conditions usually subside quickly and can usually be controlled with prescribed pain relievers or oral pain relievers.

3. How long does a dental implant last?

The lifespan of dental implants can vary depending on a number of factors. With good oral hygiene and regular dental care, dental implants can last for many years and last a lifetime. In general, dental implants that are well placed and regularly maintained are expected to have a long life. Your dentist can evaluate the health and durability of your implants and give you specific insight.

4. What are the advantages of dental implants?

The success rates of dental implants vary depending on where they are placed in the jaw. Turkey is one of the countries with the highest success rate among European countries. In Turkey, the success rate of dental implants is generally up to 98%. With proper care, you can use implants for life. Failure of dental implants is usually seen within the first 6 months. The most important factor affecting success in the long run is the patient’s failure to provide the necessary care in accordance with the instructions, not attending regular checkups and neglect. Other factors affecting success are horizontal and vertical bone amount, bone condition and quality, systemic conditions affecting the patient’s recovery, alcohol and cigarette use, and teeth clenching problems. These problems are avoided with good assessment and planning.

5. Who are suitable candidates for implant surgery?

Dental implant treatment is a popular option for individuals who are missing one or more teeth and want a long-lasting, natural-looking solution. Implant treatment may be suitable for individuals with good oral and general health, sufficient jaw bone density and healthy gum tissue.

In some cases, additional procedures such as bone grafting or gum disease treatment may be required to prepare the mouth for implant placement. Non-smokers or people who want to quit smoking during implant treatment may also be good candidates.

To determine if implant treatment is right for you, it is best to schedule a consultation with a qualified dentist who can assess your individual needs and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan.

6. Is there an age limit for implant surgery?

While the completion of bone development occurs after the age of 15 to 16 in girls, it is completed after the age of 17 to 18 in boys. The base age limit in relation to bone development in implant dental treatment is the average age of 18 years. Implant tooth application has no upper age limit. Even in people who are very advanced in age, there is no inconvenience in performing implant treatment.

There is no harm in applying implant treatment to patients who are in good general health and have sufficient bone in the jawbone and whose bone development has been completed. However, systemic disorders that may occur at this age or before may cause difficulties in completing the implant surgery.

7. How long does dental implant treatment take?

Implant operation is performed by our specialist dentists with the most appropriate planning for the patient. Before the operation, the tooth and jaw area is stimulated with local anesthesia. With the appropriate surgical instruments, the slots where the implant will be applied are opened and the implant is placed in these slots. In the sutured implant process, an incision is made in the gingival part, the bone is reached and screwed. After the implant is placed, the operation in this area is completed by suturing. The completion of the operation process varies up to 3 months, depending on the patient and the number of implants to be applied. The implant, which is inserted in approximately 15-40 minutes, is expected to integrate with the jawbone, and then the dental prosthesis is completed with the material to be covered.

8. How is the healing process after implant surgery?

After a typical Implant treatment, the healing process may last for a few days, mild swelling, tingling that can be controlled with simple painkillers, and sometimes bruising. When you regularly use the drugs that your doctor recommends, you can pass this process quite easily. In about 7-10 days, the wound edges heal completely by fusing with each other. If applications such as bone powder and sinus lift are made with the implant application, swelling and discomfort may be a little more. Stitches are removed in about 7-10 days.

9. What materials are used for implant surgery?

The implant is produced from titanium or its alloys. It is not affected by oral fluids and is designed to withstand the forces that will occur in the mouth. The tissue-friendly feature of titanium, which is coated with some special substances, is increased and the healing time is shortened.

10. What is the cost of implant surgery and is it covered by insurance?

Implant surgery prices vary according to the treatment to be applied, the brand of the implant, and the condition of the bone level. Your doctor will prepare the most accurate pricing for you. Implants are not covered by insurance in many countries. However, when you receive implant treatment in Turkey, you will pay 60% less than your country.

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If you want to get detailed information about our dental treatments, you can contact us by filling out our consultation form or you can get information directly from our whatsapp line: +905443480787 Our doctors will plan the most appropriate treatment for you and provide detailed information.


Aesthetic Tooth Filling

Aesthetic Tooth Filling

What is Aesthetic Tooth Filling?

Aesthetic filling, also called composite filling, is a filling option that provides an extremely natural tooth appearance. The design is made according to the color and shape of the tooth, and then the filling application is made. Especially this type of dental fillings are the first choice of those who care about aesthetics in their teeth.

Different materials are used in this filling that captures the appearance of natural teeth. It differs from other fillings in terms of material and application. It is very popular as the most advanced dental filling method. Aesthetic filling is so good that it cannot be distinguished from natural tooth semen. It is in the same design as the tooth semen.

While the natural tooth appearance is achieved, the filling is very solid and useful. The filling is incomprehensible when viewed from the outside. It looks like part of natural tooth semen. The most important difference of the aesthetic tooth phenomenon is that it is made like a natural tooth. With the developing aesthetic dental health options today, it is possible to have teeth as if they were natural and have never been lost.

Who Is Aesthetic Tooth Filling Necessary?

Aesthetic Composite Filling
Composite Bonding

Aesthetic filling can be recommended for anyone experiencing tooth damage. Because this filling allows the teeth to maintain their natural structure. Aesthetic tooth filling can be preferred in case of tooth loss and bruises. It can be applied to all damaged teeth. It treats damages such as rot, breakage in an aesthetic way.

Dental aesthetic filling is one of the modern dental solutions that can be made for everyone. With the modern aesthetic filling, oral and dental health is also completed in terms of aesthetics. Other dental fillings may grin when laughing and talking. However, the aesthetic filling is completely imposed on the tooth and does not grin.

Aesthetic dental filling treatment can be applied to anyone whose teeth have been damaged for any reason. It is a much more advantageous choice for people who have problems in their front teeth to have aesthetic fillings. Aesthetic filling is recommended for everyone who wants their teeth to be natural and like their own teeth. We also recommend this modern treatment method for people who have teeth that are worn out due to damage such as decay or breakage or who have deformed teeth.

As Dental Clinic Turkey, we offer our services with the importance we give to oral and dental health. We conduct all our treatments based on high technology and quality standards. You can always call us to get information about aesthetic dental filling.

How Is Aesthetic Tooth Filling Made?

Aesthetic tooth filling, which can be performed in a single session, is a very simple procedure. First of all, the part to be filled is anesthetized with local anesthesia. Damaged teeth are cleaned. Bruises are cleaned. Then the cavity filling material is shaped. With the beveling application, the filling material is more firmly attached to the tooth. Tooth enamel is made smooth. With the bonding application, the material is bonded to the tooth enamel. Then the filling material is applied to the required part of the tooth. Irradiation is done to reach the ideal hardness of the filling. Finally, if there is any excess in the tooth, it is corrected. The process is finished by polishing the teeth. During this time, the patient does not experience pain or heaviness. It is a very simple and convenient application.

How Long Does Front Teeth Aesthetic Tooth Filling Last?

Composite fillings are aesthetic fillings applied with special materials. It would be correct to renew these extremely durable fillings every 5 to 7 years. Taking care of the teeth and oral health after the filling prolongs the life of the filling. Therefore, it is necessary to be more careful after filling.

By paying attention to your oral and dental health, you can use your aesthetic dental fillings comfortably for many years with the first performance. Such fillings are often preferred because they are not understood in the mouth. Although it has a slightly shorter lifespan than other fillings, this problem disappears with regeneration. After having the anterior tooth aesthetic filling, it is possible to use aesthetic fillings for many years by paying attention to eating, drinking and oral care.

How Are The Prices Of Aesthetic Tooth Filling?

Aesthetic dental filling is a very advantageous solution. The filling, which has the appearance of natural teeth, is incomprehensible when viewed from the outside. No difference is seen on the real tooth. Aesthetic tooth filling prices also offer affordable options. You can contact us to have a long-lasting and useful aesthetic filling at an affordable price.

You can determine the most appropriate treatment methods by getting ideas from our specialist doctors.

Especially if the front teeth are deformed, aesthetic tooth filling stands out as the best solution. You can benefit from our expert support to achieve the best results in aesthetic dental fillings at the best prices. You can also discover our privileged opportunities for high quality dental treatment at affordable prices and aesthetic tooth filling comments. Root canal treatment is used for teeth that cannot be treated with filling. Implant treatment is a suitable solution for completely missing teeth.

You can get information about aesthetic dental filling and other dental treatments by calling us.