What is Prosthetic Dentistry?
Prosthetic dental treatment, which is one of the treatment methods that can be preferred in the loss of one or more teeth, improves the quality of life of people, reduces the disruptions in daily routine and offers a long-term solution. Prosthetic dental treatment, which is frequently preferred in tooth loss, will continue to be preferred because it provides solutions for various conditions and allows personalized treatment.
Prosthetic dental treatment is the replacement of aesthetically and functionally impaired teeth. Prosthetic dental treatments often also allow a rapid psychological recovery in patients, because it provides improvement in speech, nutrition and other functions of the jaw. Applications for ensuring oral and dental integrity, obtaining an aesthetic and natural appearance and preserving the functions of the jaw are in the field of interest of prosthodontists (prosthodontists) who perform prosthetic dental treatment.
When Is a Dentist Checkup Needed?
Dentist control is recommended as soon as possible in new tooth loss or in the presence of missing teeth for a while, because missing teeth pave the way for deformities in bone tissue and gum diseases. The longer it is spent with a missing tooth, the more severe the damage may be and the less likely it is to be reverted. Some situations that require a visit to the dentist for prosthetic solutions are as follows:
- Broken, worn, chipped teeth
- Bleeding, severely painful teeth and gums
- Tooth sensitivity
- Aesthetic concerns such as discoloration of teeth
In Which Situations Is Prosthetic Dental Treatment Applied?
Prosthetic dental treatments can be applied to replace teeth in tooth loss due to trauma or other diseases. It is mostly preferred to replace teeth that are late for treatment and cannot be saved. For this reason, the issue of oral and dental health should not be neglected and regular dentist checks should not be interrupted. The most preferred cases of prosthetic dental treatment are listed below:
- In cases where the teeth need to be aligned and their functions should be preserved in individuals where the jawbone is misplaced
- In dental dysfunctions that occur later due to various diseases or traumas.
- In tooth loss
- In individuals who apply with aesthetic concerns
- In patients with severe psychological or physical problems due to tooth defects or loss
What are the Advantages of Prosthetic Dentistry?
Prosthetic dental treatment has positive results such as improving the patient’s quality of life and providing an aesthetic appearance, positively affecting the mood and ensuring that the most basic needs such as nutrition are met without any problems. The advantages to be obtained in case of planning prosthetic dental treatment can be listed as follows:
- Recovery of vital functions such as chewing and speech lost due to tooth loss
- Obtaining an aesthetic and natural appearance
- Minimizing the risk of disease by protecting oral health
- Providing psychological recovery
What Are the Types of Prosthesis Used in Prosthetic Dentistry?
Prosthetic dental treatments are grouped under two headings as fixed prosthesis application and removable prosthesis application. Fixed prosthesis applications are the process of replacing missing or damaged teeth in the closest way to their original state, while preserving their aesthetic appearance. It is produced by taking support from the existing undamaged teeth and fixed in the mouth with various chemicals. Commonly used fixed prosthesis types are as follows:
Crown treatment: Crown is also known as veneer among the people. It is preferred in cases of deterioration of tooth integrity caused by conditions such as widespread and deep dental caries, tooth fractures and nearly complete losses. While teeth are crowned; Different materials such as metal, porcelain with metal support, zirconium substructure and reinforced porcelain are used. Porcelain laminates are known as leaf porcelain, and because they are very thin porcelain that adheres to the front outer surface of the teeth, they can be used to fill the spaces between the teeth, to lengthen or reshape the teeth, and to color the teeth. Porcelain laminates are preferred for smile design such as permanent whiteness.
Metal Supported Porcelain Veneer: It consists of porcelain for aesthetic appearance and metal infrastructure for support. It does not give a natural appearance as it has not high light transmittance.
Zirconium Coating: Since the light transmittance is high in zirconium supported coatings, the closest appearance to the natural look can be obtained. The inner part of the tooth consists of zirconium, and the visible outer part consists of porcelain.
Bridge: It can be preferred when there is one or more missing teeth. Support is provided by the natural teeth located next to the dental cavities. Bridge therapy can be applied with different techniques. After the treatment, functions such as decreased chewing and speech are regained and an aesthetic appearance is obtained.
Implant: Implant treatment is often preferred because it is long-lasting and efficient. The ability to add different prostheses to the implants is one of the main reasons for choosing implant treatment. The chewing function is preserved by the artificial tooth root fixed to the jawbone. Implants are widely preferred because of their positive aspects; however, it may cause some mechanical and biological complications, although not frequently. Screw loosening, porcelain breakage, and destruction of the soft tissue and bone around the implant are among the complications that may lead. Cost of dental implants is also among the important factors affecting the preference of patients.
Removable dentures, on the other hand, are artificial prostheses that are removable by patients and can replace lost teeth. It is preferred in cases where natural teeth are present but sufficient support cannot be provided for the placement of fixed prosthesis. They are partial prostheses as they can be inserted and removed by the patient. Metal parts in partial dentures may prevent the formation of an aesthetic appearance.
In addition to fixed and removable dentures, dentures on implants can also be preferred in prosthetic dental treatment. Implant prostheses are divided into fixed, removable and hybrid. In the treatment of fixed prosthesis over the implant, crown or bridge prostheses fixed by taking support from one or more implants are used. Fixation is achieved by gluing or screwing. It is often preferred when it comes to the loss of several teeth. Thus, the missing tooth area is filled with prosthesis and healthy teeth are preserved.
Fixed prostheses on implants; may contain metal, ceramic or zirconium. Implant-based removable prosthesis treatment can be preferred in cases where all the teeth are missing. It is based on the logic of placing an implant in the jawbone. This type of prosthesis supported by tissue and implant avoids the problem of detachment of removable prostheses. Hybrid prostheses on implants can be preferred because they are easier for patient use. This type of prosthesis cannot be removed by the patient; but it can be removed by dentists when necessary.
Prosthetic dental treatments applied for the treatment of defects that occur after congenital anomalies, severe traumas, previous tumor surgeries may not give the desired results. Maxillofacial prostheses can be preferred in such cases in terms of restoring functions and providing aesthetics. Transparent night plaques can be used to prevent or alleviate the problems that may occur in the teeth, gums and jaw joint due to clenching and grinding of the teeth during sleep or while falling asleep.
The Process of Getting Used to Dentures
Even with well-made prostheses, getting used to the prosthesis can be a process that requires patience and time. It is recommended that patients go through this process by following the recommendations of the dentist and being determined about the use of prosthesis. It may take up to 4-6 weeks to return to normal eating habits with total prostheses. There may be difficulties in pronouncing some sounds for a while, speaking loudly.
It is recommended to wear the dentures continuously during the habituation process and not to remove them even at night. After the acclimatization period, the prosthesis can be removed at night and left on a clean towel. Thus, the soft tissues in the mouth are given the opportunity to rest and repair. Prostheses have a lifetime and therefore it is not possible to use them for a lifetime. Although it varies from patient to patient, it may require renewal every 5 years under normal conditions.
Prosthetic Dentistry Prices
Dental prosthesis treatments are generally considered as one of the milestones that positively change a person’s quality of life. Prosthetic dental treatments can positively change the mental state due to the smile and appearance, as well as contribute to oral and dental health. Dental treatments are often costly, require budget planning and patience. Therefore, it is important to manage the process together with a good dentist in order to plan the prosthesis correctly and appropriately.
If you want to get information about Prosthetic Dentistry, you can contact us directly at +90544348087.