Prosthetic Dentistry

Prosthetic Dentistry

What is Prosthetic Dentistry?

Prosthetic dental treatment, which is one of the treatment methods that can be preferred in the loss of one or more teeth, improves the quality of life of people, reduces the disruptions in daily routine and offers a long-term solution. Prosthetic dental treatment, which is frequently preferred in tooth loss, will continue to be preferred because it provides solutions for various conditions and allows personalized treatment.

Prosthetic dental treatment is the replacement of aesthetically and functionally impaired teeth. Prosthetic dental treatments often also allow a rapid psychological recovery in patients, because it provides improvement in speech, nutrition and other functions of the jaw. Applications for ensuring oral and dental integrity, obtaining an aesthetic and natural appearance and preserving the functions of the jaw are in the field of interest of prosthodontists (prosthodontists) who perform prosthetic dental treatment.

When Is a Dentist Checkup Needed?

Dentist control is recommended as soon as possible in new tooth loss or in the presence of missing teeth for a while, because missing teeth pave the way for deformities in bone tissue and gum diseases. The longer it is spent with a missing tooth, the more severe the damage may be and the less likely it is to be reverted. Some situations that require a visit to the dentist for prosthetic solutions are as follows:

  • Broken, worn, chipped teeth
  • Bleeding, severely painful teeth and gums
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Aesthetic concerns such as discoloration of teeth

In Which Situations Is Prosthetic Dental Treatment Applied?

Prosthetic dental treatments can be applied to replace teeth in tooth loss due to trauma or other diseases. It is mostly preferred to replace teeth that are late for treatment and cannot be saved. For this reason, the issue of oral and dental health should not be neglected and regular dentist checks should not be interrupted. The most preferred cases of prosthetic dental treatment are listed below:

  • In cases where the teeth need to be aligned and their functions should be preserved in individuals where the jawbone is misplaced
  • In dental dysfunctions that occur later due to various diseases or traumas.
  • In tooth loss
  • In individuals who apply with aesthetic concerns
  • In patients with severe psychological or physical problems due to tooth defects or loss

What are the Advantages of Prosthetic Dentistry?

Prosthetic dental treatment has positive results such as improving the patient’s quality of life and providing an aesthetic appearance, positively affecting the mood and ensuring that the most basic needs such as nutrition are met without any problems. The advantages to be obtained in case of planning prosthetic dental treatment can be listed as follows:

  • Recovery of vital functions such as chewing and speech lost due to tooth loss
  • Obtaining an aesthetic and natural appearance
  • Minimizing the risk of disease by protecting oral health
  • Providing psychological recovery

What Are the Types of Prosthesis Used in Prosthetic Dentistry?

full mouth implant for womanProsthetic dental treatments are grouped under two headings as fixed prosthesis application and removable prosthesis application. Fixed prosthesis applications are the process of replacing missing or damaged teeth in the closest way to their original state, while preserving their aesthetic appearance. It is produced by taking support from the existing undamaged teeth and fixed in the mouth with various chemicals. Commonly used fixed prosthesis types are as follows:

Crown treatment: Crown is also known as veneer among the people. It is preferred in cases of deterioration of tooth integrity caused by conditions such as widespread and deep dental caries, tooth fractures and nearly complete losses. While teeth are crowned; Different materials such as metal, porcelain with metal support, zirconium substructure and reinforced porcelain are used. Porcelain laminates are known as leaf porcelain, and because they are very thin porcelain that adheres to the front outer surface of the teeth, they can be used to fill the spaces between the teeth, to lengthen or reshape the teeth, and to color the teeth. Porcelain laminates are preferred for smile design such as permanent whiteness.

Metal Supported Porcelain Veneer: It consists of porcelain for aesthetic appearance and metal infrastructure for support. It does not give a natural appearance as it has not high light transmittance.

Zirconium Coating: Since the light transmittance is high in zirconium supported coatings, the closest appearance to the natural look can be obtained. The inner part of the tooth consists of zirconium, and the visible outer part consists of porcelain.

Bridge: It can be preferred when there is one or more missing teeth. Support is provided by the natural teeth located next to the dental cavities. Bridge therapy can be applied with different techniques. After the treatment, functions such as decreased chewing and speech are regained and an aesthetic appearance is obtained.

Implant: Implant treatment is often preferred because it is long-lasting and efficient. The ability to add different prostheses to the implants is one of the main reasons for choosing implant treatment. The chewing function is preserved by the artificial tooth root fixed to the jawbone. Implants are widely preferred because of their positive aspects; however, it may cause some mechanical and biological complications, although not frequently. Screw loosening, porcelain breakage, and destruction of the soft tissue and bone around the implant are among the complications that may lead. Cost of dental implants is also among the important factors affecting the preference of patients.

Removable dentures, on the other hand, are artificial prostheses that are removable by patients and can replace lost teeth. It is preferred in cases where natural teeth are present but sufficient support cannot be provided for the placement of fixed prosthesis. They are partial prostheses as they can be inserted and removed by the patient. Metal parts in partial dentures may prevent the formation of an aesthetic appearance.

In addition to fixed and removable dentures, dentures on implants can also be preferred in prosthetic dental treatment. Implant prostheses are divided into fixed, removable and hybrid. In the treatment of fixed prosthesis over the implant, crown or bridge prostheses fixed by taking support from one or more implants are used. Fixation is achieved by gluing or screwing. It is often preferred when it comes to the loss of several teeth. Thus, the missing tooth area is filled with prosthesis and healthy teeth are preserved.

Fixed prostheses on implants; may contain metal, ceramic or zirconium. Implant-based removable prosthesis treatment can be preferred in cases where all the teeth are missing. It is based on the logic of placing an implant in the jawbone. This type of prosthesis supported by tissue and implant avoids the problem of detachment of removable prostheses. Hybrid prostheses on implants can be preferred because they are easier for patient use. This type of prosthesis cannot be removed by the patient; but it can be removed by dentists when necessary.

Prosthetic dental treatments applied for the treatment of defects that occur after congenital anomalies, severe traumas, previous tumor surgeries may not give the desired results. Maxillofacial prostheses can be preferred in such cases in terms of restoring functions and providing aesthetics. Transparent night plaques can be used to prevent or alleviate the problems that may occur in the teeth, gums and jaw joint due to clenching and grinding of the teeth during sleep or while falling asleep.

The Process of Getting Used to Dentures

Even with well-made prostheses, getting used to the prosthesis can be a process that requires patience and time. It is recommended that patients go through this process by following the recommendations of the dentist and being determined about the use of prosthesis. It may take up to 4-6 weeks to return to normal eating habits with total prostheses. There may be difficulties in pronouncing some sounds for a while, speaking loudly.

It is recommended to wear the dentures continuously during the habituation process and not to remove them even at night. After the acclimatization period, the prosthesis can be removed at night and left on a clean towel. Thus, the soft tissues in the mouth are given the opportunity to rest and repair. Prostheses have a lifetime and therefore it is not possible to use them for a lifetime. Although it varies from patient to patient, it may require renewal every 5 years under normal conditions.

Prosthetic Dentistry Prices

Dental prosthesis treatments are generally considered as one of the milestones that positively change a person’s quality of life. Prosthetic dental treatments can positively change the mental state due to the smile and appearance, as well as contribute to oral and dental health. Dental treatments are often costly, require budget planning and patience. Therefore, it is important to manage the process together with a good dentist in order to plan the prosthesis correctly and appropriately.

If you want to get information about Prosthetic Dentistry, you can contact us directly at +90544348087.

Dental Implant Prices

Dental Implant Prices

Dental implant is the name given to the process of attaching a dental prosthesis with the help of a screw to replace a tooth lost due to tooth decay or any other reason. Since the dental implant is a prosthesis that replaces the teeth, it is very important in terms of providing both nutrition and the appearance and integrity of the teeth. For this reason, a successful dental implant can improve the quality of life of patients. In order to maintain the strength of the jawbone and facial muscles, the teeth must regularly perform functions such as chewing and biting. For this reason, a successful implant is the most basic assistant and supplement of oral and dental health when necessary. Dental implant prices vary according to the number of teeth implanted and other procedures performed together.

Things to Know About Dental Implants

The implant is a surgical procedure and therefore the general health of the patient should be good. It should be done after detailed examination and examinations. Before dental implant, it is necessary to measure the tooth and tooth cavity correctly and to apply the implant, which is a whole with the patient’s gums and other teeth. If the dental implant fails, many problems may arise, such as both eating and tooth compatibility.

Successful Dental Implant Matters

Since the failed dental implant repeats the operation, it means both financial and psychological negativity for individuals. Failed implant symptoms are listed below:

Gum Diseases: If the implanted tooth is not fully seated, the food residues that go into the spaces between the gums can cause many discomforts, especially gum recession. Pain in the gums and bleeding gums are the biggest signs of this. It can also sometimes lead to gingivitis.

Infection in the Implant Area: Infection may occur in the tooth area where the dental prosthesis is made due to the size and size of the implant not being fully settled.

Movement of the Implant: As with the patients’ own natural teeth, the implanted teeth should remain fixed. Thus, there is no difficulty in chewing and speaking.

Allergic Reactions: Allergies may occur in dental prostheses using titanium alloy. This is among the symptoms of failed implants.

Difficulty in Chewing: It is usually the most prominent among the symptoms of failed implants, both in the near term and in the long term.

In order to minimize the risk of encountering all these problems, a specialist and experienced dentist should be consulted. Although implant tooth prices increase and vary according to the region, it should not be forgotten that a healthy and successful implant is vital.

How Are Dental Implant Prices Determined?

Implant tooth prices may increase or decrease according to the number of missing teeth in the tooth structure of the person. The origin of the implanted material is another important factor in implant tooth prices. The domestic or foreign origin of the raw material can also change the implant price. Another important issue about dental implant prices is the experience and expertise of the doctor.

The successful results of a successful dentist should be considered when evaluating dental implant prices. A healthy implant provides permanent use and is significantly effective in increasing your quality of life. The most accurate information about dental implant prices and implant processes can be given after the necessary examinations and controls.

For this reason, it is important to consult a dentist as soon as possible for your general complaints and treatment process. A dentist should definitely decide which type of implant will be made and whether your mouth and jaw structure is suitable for the implant.

If you are looking for answers about dental implant prices, the treatment process and all the issues you are curious about, you can fill out the form to get an appointment and information from our oral and dental health department. Or you can reach us in the fastest way by calling us on our Whatsapp line.

Call Us for Get Free Quote +905443480787

Zirconium Crowns 11

How Is Implant Treatment Done? How long will it take?

Implant treatment has become the most preferred method today in case of tooth deficiency. This application, which is an extremely attractive option especially for those who do not want to use prosthetic teeth, can achieve satisfactory results. We can say that the implant is one of the procedures completed in a comfortable process for the patient.

We will clarify all the questions about this special method developed against the problem of missing teeth. We will also examine issues such as whether the implant is painful or not, whether it can be applied to all teeth. But first, let’s talk about the number of sessions, which is a frequently asked subject.

How Many Sessions Required for Implant Treatment?

Of course, it is wondered how many sessions are required for implant tooth construction. The number of sessions may vary depending on how many implants will be made. At the same time, we can say that the patient’s bone quality is a determining factor in the number of sessions. Because if the bone quality is not sufficient, first of all, bone grafting should be done. Then the patient has to wait for a while, which may continue for several weeks, although it is not the same for every patient. After that, the implant process starts. In this case, the number of sessions will be more.

If the bone quality of the patient is sufficent, it is possible to perform the implant procedure immediately. Routine dental check-ups must be made after the implant procedure. We should also mention that it is a treatment method that the patient can easily adapt to. It is possible to benefit from all the functions of the teeth without the need for any adaptation process. Moreover, in this process, there are no problems that force the patients. After the examination, your dentist will inform you about the estimated number of sessions.

How Is Implant Tooth Made?

Of course, patients also wonder how the implant tooth construction process takes place. We can state that this process can be done in 4 different ways in general. In the first method, the tooth that cannot be repaired, needs to be extracted. The implant is placed immediately in the space formed in the place of the extracted tooth. We can state that this first method is the most practical for the patient as well as the dentist. In addition, there is no need to make any incisions or stitches.

Another method of implant tooth construction is known as the ‘closed technique’ among the people. In this method, the filep is not opened, so there is no need to cut the patient’s tissue. A small cavity needs to be created using laser technology. Implant is placed in this cavity and thus it is possible to complete the procedure. We can say that this method comes into play in cases where the patient’s bone tissue is suitable. It is a very comfortable method because it is completed in a single step.

The third method is applied when it comes to mini-implants. For this method, which involves direct implant application over the mucosa, the patient’s bone quality must be sufficient. We cannot say that it is a method that is frequently preferred today, but it can be applied if the patient’s mouth and jawbone condition is ideal.

Implant tooth construction with the fourth method is also the most well-known method in the society. This method, which is classically performed with surgical intervention, is also the most preferred. In this method, a small gap is opened in the patient’s jawbone with surgical intervention. An implant is placed in this space. The prosthetic tooth is placed on the implant, sometimes immediately or about a week later. This completes the process.

Of course, in order for these methods to be applied successfully, the patient’s bone quality must be suitable for the procedure. If the bone quality is not good enough, then bone grafting is needed beforehand. In case patients apply for implant tooth construction, the dentist decides which method will be preferred after procedures such as examination and x-ray.

Does Implant Treatment Hurt?

There may be misconceptions about implant tooth construction among the public. One of them is that the procedure is very painful, which cannot be true. Because before the procedure, the area to be intervened with local anesthesia is absolutely numbed. It is never preferred to perform this procedure without anesthesia. Therefore, no matter which area the implant is to be implanted, the patient does not feel any pain, aches or pains during the procedure. Since this area is numb, it is not possible to hurt.

However, after the procedure, it is possible to have a slight ache or pain after the effect of the anesthesia wears off. This is quite normal and it should not be forgotten that the pain felt is temporary. With the use of painkillers prescribed by the dentist, it is possible to control the pain in question. Most of the time, patients talk about a mild pain that does not even need to drink medicine. Therefore, the pain felt after the procedure is not severe enough to disrupt daily life or business life.

Can All Teeth Be Implanted?

If the patient has no teeth, total implant tooth construction can be performed. However, of course, there must be sufficient bone tissue in the jawbone. There are also alternative procedures that can be applied if there are no teeth in the mouth. We can give examples of bridge, removable prosthesis or partial prosthesis to these treatment options. How many implants should be placed in patients with no teeth is also among the issues that are wondered.

If 8 implants are placed in one jaw, it is possible to fit all teeth. However, it should be noted that this number may vary depending on the mouth structure of the patient. After the examination, you can get more information about implant tooth construction and how many implants will be used in case of no teeth.

Please Read –> All on 6 Dental Implant Surgery

How is the prosthesis attached to the implant?

First of all, it should be noted that a specially developed and screw-like material is used in the implant tooth construction process. After this material is fixed, it is applied on the prosthetic tooth. Thanks to the special apparatus that adheres to the attachments on the material, it is possible to use these teeth without any problems, just like natural teeth. There is no problem during actions such as talking or eating. At the same time, patients do not have to worry about the prosthetic teeth coming out. These features are among the reasons why this process is preferred more and more day by day.

Is There Pain During Implant Application?

Like many dental treatments, the area is numbed before the implant tooth is made. Anesthetizing this area with local anesthesia prevents the feeling of pain during the procedure 100%. Therefore, patients do not feel any pain or pain during this whole process. Although many people have missing tooth problems, they do not benefit from this application due to the fear that the procedure will be painful. However, it is not a painful procedure as it seems.

Of course, there may be a very slight ache or pain after implant tooth construction. However, let us state that this situation is medically quite normal, and we should not worry about it. Most of the time, this mild pain goes away on itself after hours. In rare cases, it may continue for a few more days.



dental treatment in turkey

Dental Treatment in Turkey

Dental ailments, diseases of the jaw and gums are very serious, critical diseases that make life difficult. These kinds of diseases are common problems that are frequently seen, very often delayed and progressive.

Therefore, these ailments are considered as headache-inducing diseases.

Turkey is a country that hosts many guests from abroad for dental treatment, apart from being a country where its citizens easily receive dental treatment due to its success in training dentists and its attractiveness in many different ways. The number of people coming to our country for dental treatment from abroad has increased considerably recently. It has enabled us to become one of the most preferred countries in this field of health. There are many main reasons for this. But the most important thing is that the procedures are affordable by the patients coming from abroad.

While people who come to have teeth in Turkey mostly prefer the dental aesthetic treatments such as veneer, teeth whitening, pink aesthetics, implant treatments are one of the most popular reasons for health migration. Patients who receive most of these treatments because they see them as more affordable than the alternatives in their own countries, apply to our country intensively for dental diseases.

In our country, patients from Europe generally think that the treatment costs are quite low due to the exchange rate difference, they find it ideal to have the procedures done here, especially with aesthetic concerns, which do not have serious health problems, and therefore they are in a health tourism by searching the most technologically advanced clinics.

It is very important for the industrialization of this field that dental treatments performed outside of financial situations are successful and long-lasting, and that quality materials are easily available. The fact that the education system in the medical and dental sector in Turkey is practice-oriented ensures that the handcrafts of the trained physicians are good and experienced physicians. Therefore, in many countries of the world, people come to our country for dental diseases due to the trust placed in handcrafted and experienced physicians. Many dental treatments are handcrafted procedures that give excellent results with the experience and skill of the doctor.

So, what should people who come from abroad and want to be treated in Turkey pay attention to? What should I research before coming to the country for this treatment?

A person who will come to Turkey for treatment will first want to reach this treatment easily. He will want to know that the treatment he receives is of good quality and care, and will choose a clinic accordingly. During his stay in Turkey, he will need to have a short-term treatment, not to cause any problems, as there will be accommodation and similar expenses other than the treatment, that is, he will need to feel comfortable about this treatment when he goes to his country after being treated here. It will also be important for the person that the treatment he receives is financially affordable and that it gives an international guarantee. For this reason, it is very important to do a thorough research before coming to treatment.

Before the treatment, the person should consult a doctor about the procedure he wants to have and whether this procedure is suitable for him. If the physician approves and confirms the treatment to be performed, he/she should first share the information about the treatment, such as the X-ray and test results, with the physicians in the clinic where the treatment will take place in our country. Thus, the physician here can provide more detailed information about the procedure to be performed, as well as more clearly inform the cost of the treatment. Thus, the patient will have a clearer perspective on whether or not to receive treatment.

Afterwards, the treatment should be planned, clear appointments should be made, and the grievances should be eliminated with the finalization of the duration of the patient’s stay in Turkey. When the patient comes to the country for dental treatment, he/she should not have any problems with accommodation and meeting his/her needs during the treatment process. Thus, you can have a healthier and more comfortable treatment process.

After all these adjustments have been made, patients who return to their country after a financially and morally appropriate, affordable and comfortable treatment process find it ideal and recommend dental treatment in Turkey.

full mouth implant for woman

Can Implants Be Applied to Those Who Have No Tooth?

Can Implants Be Applied to Those Who Have No Tooth?

At least how many implants are needed for a fixed tooth in patients with no teeth? With dental implants, it has become possible to make implants in patients who have no teeth or have melting in the jawbones, without applying advanced surgical techniques.

One of the biggest advantages of implant treatment is that prosthetic treatment alternatives can be offered up to fixed prosthesis in patients with no teeth. In a patient with no teeth, fixed prosthesis can be used by placing the required amount of implants in the upper and lower jaws. Apart from this, it is possible to ensure that patients using removable prostheses use their prostheses as close to their almost fixed comfort with implant treatment.

Can Implants Be Made in a Non-Toothed Patient?

Our teeth are one of our indispensable organs for our motivation to feed and survive. Apart from our physical needs, it also has important psychological effects in our lives. The more it upsets a patient not to be able to eat due to a dental problem, the more upsetting it will be to not be able to smile for the same reason. For this reason, it is an important issue for everyone to have white, healthy and trouble-free teeth. When some patients decide to have a dental application, especially those with few or no teeth, they may experience various confusions. Words such as implant, root canal treatment, palate may scare them. Knowing the answers to questions such as whether implants can be applied to a patient with no teeth will eliminate this.

Affordable implants for everyone in Turkey…

What Are the Implant Options of the Patient Who Has No Tooth?

If a patient who has no teeth in his mouth wants to have an implant, it is possible to talk about the methods that are definitely successful. The success of the method applied varies in direct proportion to the palate structure of the patient and the success of the physician who applies it. As an application option, removable and fixed prosthesis can be used. After the appropriate prosthesis is selected and decided, the patient is prepared for the procedure and the application phase is started.

What is a removable prosthesis?

All on 6 and Smile Design with Dental Implant

It is one of the more practical ways to use it in patients with an edentulous lower jaw. Two implants are placed in the lower jaw or upper jaw. Then, after waiting for 4 or 6 weeks, the palate is prepared and attached to the prosthesis. The biggest advantage is that the patient can easily remove and put on these prostheses whenever he wants. Since the implants are supported by the palate, it is not possible to face a problem such as dislodgement while eating. At the end of a single session, the procedure is completed and the patient uses chewing functions. In total, four implants are sufficient.

What is Fixed Prosthesis and How Is It Applied?

In order to apply a fixed prosthesis, it is necessary to have a patient who does not have a single tooth. In order to provide a bridge, 6 implants are made and placed in the patient’s mouth. There is a waiting period of up to 6 weeks. Within two weeks, bridge prostheses based on 14 fixed teeth are made. Then the patient begins to eat and smile again. Thanks to the advancing technology, it is possible to treat even patients who have no teeth anymore and to make their teeth much better than before. Moreover, treatment times are getting shorter and shorter, contrary to popular belief.

High patient satisfaction with dental implants

Dental implants, a real revolution in dental practice; It has taken its place among dentistry treatments by constantly developing and being eaten by both physicians and patients. The treatment, which even physicians approached distantly in the first years, has become a frequently requested application by patients in today’s dentistry. Implant surgery was seen as a dubious alternative treatment in patients in the early years. Our patients were very afraid of this surgery and would run away. However, 10-year patient satisfaction studies show that 95 percent of patients are very satisfied with their implant treatment. Dental implant applications are constantly making progress with intense scientific research.

You can get more detailed information about dental implants by contacting Dental Clinic Turkey. You can call us whenever you want to make an appointment. Our phone and Whatsapp number +905443480787

worn teeth

Treat Worn Teeth

Is It Possible to Treat Worn Teeth?

Many patients are exposed to dental abrasions for various reasons. In this article, we would like to start by examining the causes of tooth wear. Finding and eliminating the cause is half the cure.

The answer to the question of why the tooth is eroded seems simple. The first thing that comes to our minds is that people are clenching their teeth more because of the increasingly difficult living conditions and stress. However, this is not the only situation. Our teeth are also significantly eroded by the consumption of acidic foods. Another factor is the height of dental prostheses. Dental prostheses produced with hard materials such as metal or zirconium can wear down the teeth in the opposite jaw.

We have patients who apply to our clinic with teeth that are almost half worn. This situation, together with the loss of an aesthetic appearance, causes pain and sensitivity in the teeth during functional chewing. The pain felt in the teeth with the heat makes the person extremely uncomfortable. It can be cold or hot.

In the treatment of worn teeth, unless all teeth are treated at the same time and occlusion are re-arranged, individual treatments to the teeth are unsuccessful. For this purpose, after a correct determination is made, veneers can be applied to the lower and upper jaw teeth to increase the vertical dimension as much as the amount of worn teeth.

Thanks to this new generation computer-aided aesthetic dental veneers, which will be applied by correcting the errors of the previously made dental veneers, we are able to provide a better chewing efficiency as well as a more beautiful appearance.

For our patients who have pain problems in the jaw joint, we control the pain after increasing the vertical dimension with hard plates. Following the TMJ arrangement, the patient can reach the maximum comfort they can reach with dental veneers applied in the ideal vertical size.

Dental veneers prepared by our dental technicians with the Cad-Cam system give successful results that will be like your natural teeth. In this way, it is possible to achieve the best result with the least abrasion on the teeth.

Before the dental veneers are applied, the root canal treatments and gingival treatments must be completed.

What should be the coating material to be made in case the teeth are worn due to reasons such as clenching and grinding?

Although this question is open to debate, common practice is the use of zirconium-supported dental veneers. When porcelain dental veneers are used, the aesthetic layer on the metal can be broken. This is also seen in zirconium crowns. However, since there is no metal in the substrate, it does not have a bad appearance that attracts attention aesthetically. The color difference, which is one of the most important differences between zirconium and metal, comes to the fore here.

The production of dental veneers with plastic material is also one of the topics discussed. Although the researchers say that plastic teeth can be used in order to prevent the wear of the contralateral teeth, this will cause anatomical inconveniences as the joint position will change due to wear. The use of plastic-based materials has been abandoned in dental veneers for patients who grind their teeth.

Success of Treatments

The quality of the materials used is extremely important for the treatment of worn teeth. When the material has the slightest technical inadequacy, deformations begin to appear in a short time. The main factor in tooth wear is the softening of the hard enamel tissue in the tooth. Forces on the softened layer (such as clenching, grinding or brushing) quickly wear away this softened layer. If there are old fillings made, there is no wear on them.

The recommended treatment is to eliminate the factors that dissolve the enamel layer. In particular, it is recommended to treat reflux, cut acidic foods such as lemon soda cola vinegar, and use a soft toothbrush. Thick granular toothpastes that cause abrasion on the tooth surface should not be used. Appropriate pastes and creams can be recommended for the lost enamel layer to repair itself. You should get information from your dentist about this issue.

You can get more detailed information about treat worn teeth by contacting Dental Clinic Turkey. You can call us whenever you want to make an appointment. Our phone and Whatsapp number +905443480787

composite filling

Composite Filling

What is Composite Filling?

Composite filling is a preferred filling process in the repair of tooth structure that is damaged due to cracks, fractures, decay or similar conditions. During the procedures, the damaged or decayed part of the tooth is removed and then the tooth is cleaned. In addition, special adhesives are applied to the teeth. After this procedure, composite fillings are placed on the teeth. But since the form of treatment produces aesthetically effective results in the teeth, it is also called as aesthetic filling.

Composite fillings are also known as resin fillings. It is produced using ceramics with different chemical components. With these fillings, biting and chewing in the mouth are strengthened. However, it can be used easily in the back teeth, also known as molars. It is also suitable for use on anterior teeth as it can be produced in the same color as the teeth. When evaluated in terms of performance and price, composite fillings appear as satisfactory materials. The top quality material of composite fillings is full ceramic filling.

In Which Situations Is Composite Filling Considered?

Composite filling is the filling option that should be considered in different situations. For this reason, it is important for the people who have problems with their teeth to have information about in which situations they can have composite filling treatment, in order to eliminate the problems that occur in the teeth in a short time.

Composite filling can be considered for the repair of caries in the teeth. It is also possible to fill the gaps between the teeth with the help of composite filling.

Cracked or broken teeth can also be repaired with this filling treatment.

It can also be preferred to improve the color appearance of the teeth.

Composite filling has an important role in closing the gaps between the teeth.

However, it can be preferred for the purpose of making the teeth look longer.

This filling method can also be applied to change the shape of the teeth and to offer an aesthetic alternative to amalgam fillings.

On the other hand, in case of recession of the gums, composite filling treatment may be preferred to protect a certain part of the tooth root.

How is Composite Filling Made?

Various examinations are made before composite filling applications. The first of these is the caries in the tooth to which the composite filling will be made. If there is caries in the tooth to be filled, these caries are cleaned first. In general, applications performed with local anesthesia can be performed without the need for anesthesia in superficial procedures. In order for the tooth to be fully ready for the filling, some retouching and cleaning processes are needed. After these processes are completed, the filling is placed.

What are the Advantages of Composite Filling?

Composite filling, which gives effective results in eliminating caries, fractures, cracks or many similar problems in teeth, also brings many advantages. With its many features, it helps the treated tooth to be used better in the mouth.

The biggest advantage of the composite filling application is that it provides the removal of aesthetic concerns. However, the application time is quite easy and can be easily applied to more than one tooth even in just one day.

Composite Filling Instead of Amalgam

Composite filling, where tooth loss is experienced the least, is a filling material that has replaced amalgam fillings, known as aesthetic and white fillings, which are frequently used in dentistry. Generally, because of decayed teeth, broken or destroyed teeth, and gaps between teeth, composite filling material is used for both aesthetics and oral health. It is a widely used filling material because it can also be used in aesthetic treatments such as closing the functional disorders caused by tooth decay or gaps between the teeth and equalizing the lengths of broken-short teeth.

Amalgam fillings, which are a mixture of various metals used before composite fillings, were not a very happy treatment in terms of aesthetics, although they were strong in terms of structure. In addition, due to the unpleasant taste of the substance used in the mouth and the concerns about the harms of the mercury it contains, it leaves its place to composite fillings.

Bonding filler is applied personally.

The bonding method, which can be applied at almost any age, eliminates all kinds of aesthetic concerns in tooth structures. Bonding filling treatments are applied personally for those who do not like the shape of their teeth.

Since bonding dental treatment is an application that is completed in a short time, dentists are recommended to their patients for compensation for tooth fractures or lengthening requests. While bonding filling is done, the tooth surface is roughened by choosing the color first. With the bonding tooth application, a material compatible with the tooth is covered so that the filling can adhere to the tooth. The prepared composite is applied to the tooth and the material is hardened with laser light. After the placement is completed, the shaping process is done and the patient can return to his daily life after polishing.

Bonding Treatment duration takes an average of 30-60 minutes. The application can be completed faster and used for many years depending on the treatment method, the quality of the material and the success of the physician.

You can get more detailed information about aesthetic filling applications, inlay filling, onlay filling, composite filling and bonding applications by contacting Dental Clinic Turkey. You can call us whenever you want to make an appointment. Our phone and Whatsapp number +905443480787

general anesthesia

General Anesthesia in Dentistry

What is General Anesthesia in Dentistry?

Dental treatment with general anesthesia  is the name given to getting ready for surgery in the state of complete sleep by administering intravenous drugs and gas. General anesthesia is an application that should be done in hospital conditions.

What is Sedation Anesthesia?

Sedation anesthesia is a procedure performed by anesthesiologists with sedatives given intravenously. The purpose of sedation anesthesia is to eliminate the anxiety, fear, nausea and pain that may arise. The patient does not sleep during the procedure and follows the given commands. However, the patient does not remember the content of the procedure after the treatment. In some patients, it has been observed that dentist phobia disappears after sedation anesthesia.

What is the Difference Between Sedation and General Anesthesia?

During the sedation process, the patient continues to breathe normally and can fulfill the given commands, albeit slightly. However, in general anesthesia, breathing is provided by intubation . Intubation is the process of ensuring that the patient breathes with the help of special apparatus to protect the airway in case of risk of deterioration of the respiratory tract.

In Which situations Dental with General Anesthesia is preferred ? Is it acceptable ?

  • If the patient has a dental phobia that cannot be overcome by talking,
  • If there is a mental disability that cannot allow the physician to work,
  • If the child or adult is sick, where too much work will be done at once.
  • If the patient is using blood thinners,
  • If major surgery will be performed where local anesthesia will not be sufficient (jaw fractures, large cysts, etc.)
  • If the patient is a patient for whom treatment with general anesthesia is more appropriate due to various health problems,
  • If the patient is allergic to local anesthetics,
  • General anesthesia is preferred in cases where there are patients who want to finish the long dental treatment in a single session.

How Long Does Dental Treatment Take With General Anesthesia?

This situation varies according to the patient who will be given general anesthesia and which procedure will be applied. If it is necessary to determine an hour interval, dental treatments with general anesthesia take 1-3 hours on average.

In Which Situations Is General Anesthesia Not Applied in Dentistry?

General anesthesia in dentistry is not applied in conditions where anesthesia cannot be applied in the general health condition of the patient. Be sure to consult your doctor about the feasibility of your dental treatments under general anesthesia.

What are the Advantages of General Anesthesia in Dentistry?

With the help of general anesthesia in dental treatments, major operations are performed much more comfortably in terms of patient comfort. In long-term operations, even if the operation area is numb, pain may occur in the jaw joints as a result of keeping the mouth open for a long time. This situation creates discomfort for the patient. Such problems are not observed in general anesthesia because the patient is in full sleep.

Problems that may occur in patients with systemic problems can be corrected by giving the necessary drugs, since the vascular access is open.

What Should Be Considered After General Anesthesia?

The patient, who has been given general anesthesia, should be kept under observation for a few hours after waking up. It is very important for the patient’s dental health that the patient comes to the controls regularly.

How Much Are the Prices of Surgery in Dentistry?

In order to determine the price of surgery in dental treatments, the patient’s oral and dental examination should be done. Treatment prices vary according to the clinic where the treatment is applied, the experience of the doctor and the needs of the patient.

Which dental treatments are performed under general anesthesia?

Under general anesthesia;

  • Fillings
  • Root canal treatment
  • Tooth extraction
  • Impacted tooth extraction
  • Dental Implant

such as dental treatments.

If you want to get information about general anesthesia apply in dental treatments, you can call us at +905443480787.

dental implant care

How is Implant Dental Care Performed?

Implant dental treatment is one of the most suitable methods to replace your missing teeth and to have your cracked, damaged or unhealthy teeth treated. Thanks to the dental implant, you can have healthy mouth and teeth. Implant teeth can perform the same functions as your natural teeth. They do not cause you any trouble during biting, chewing or other jaw movements.

You can replace your teeth that you had to have or will have to be extracted for any reason with Implant dental treatment. Implant teeth may face gingival disorders like natural teeth. Therefore, you need to take care of your implant teeth.

Implant Dental Care

Implant dental care should begin with the placement of dental prostheses at the root of the tooth. After the end of the implant treatment, bleeding may occur in the gums of the patients at first. Tampons can be made to prevent these bleedings. Nothing should be consumed within the first 2 hours after implant treatment. During the first 48 – 72 hours, consuming extremely hot or extremely cold foods should be avoided. If swelling occurs in the gums after the treatment, the swelling can be reduced with ice therapy.

As with natural teeth, dental implants can cause plaque and bacteria formation or inflammations. For this reason, the person who has an implant tooth should take care of your oral and dental hygiene a little more and take care of it correctly. While performing your implant dental care, you should take care to use dental floss and mouthwash as well as brushing your teeth. Using an electronic toothbrush can help you more than other toothbrushes to clean your mouth and teeth. Because the vibrations created by the electronic toothbrush better clean the plaque formed by food particles under the gum line.

While performing oral and dental hygiene, you can completely clean the food particles that have escaped between the gums and teeth by using dental floss in the area where the implant tooth is attached. You can gargle with a salt water mixture. In this way, you can literally clean the acid and bacteria left on your teeth. You should stay away from applications and care products that will corrode your teeth and damage your teeth with acidic substances, just because you will fully perform your hygiene. Otherwise, you may damage the implant tooth.

Implant teeth can also turn yellow and stain like natural teeth over time. Therefore, you should avoid excessive consumption of coffee, tea, cigarettes and alcohol. In addition, while performing your oral and dental hygiene, you should not damage the implant tooth root, which is made of titanium, which absorbs sweat under the gums. For this reason, you should avoid hard moves and excessive pressure while brushing or flossing your teeth.

Melting may occur in the jawbone holding the implant tooth, and after these meltdowns, the implant teeth and natural teeth may fall out. For implant dental care, you can regularly go to specialist dentists for control. By going to the dentists, you can have both your natural teeth and your implant teeth cleaned and find out if they are healthy.

dental implantImplant care is an issue that should be focused on sensitively after tooth transplantation. Implants are artificial carrier tooth roots that are attached to the jawbone instead of the tooth root. After the implant process is completed, the patient wants a tooth in the type and model that he/she likes to be mounted on the implant. This veneer can be a porcelain or zirconium type product.

The implant offers great advantages to the patient in many ways. It is a fact that the lack of teeth poses great problems both in terms of aesthetics and health. Inability to perform eating and drinking activities without any problems, gingival sagging, deterioration of the rows of other teeth, shifting, problems arising from prostheses placed instead of implants, deterioration of face and smile aesthetics (especially in the absence of anterior teeth), heart and digestive problems, jaw bone meltdown, It causes many problems such as speech disorders.

After implant dental treatment, implant care is an issue that should be emphasized with precision. In the rest of our article, we have touched on some important issues related to post-implant oral care that we think may be useful for you.

Oral Care After Implant

  1. The tampons placed on the implanted area should be bitten for one hour in such a way that they do not loosen moderately. If bleeding does not continue after one hour, it can be discarded. If bleeding continues, a new clean tampon is bitten for another half hour. If bleeding still continues, tampon application should continue until the bleeding stops. There may be some leakage from the surgical site in the first 4-6 hours after the operation. In cases where the bleeding continues for a longer time, you should consult your doctor.
  2. Do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours after the implant application. In the first 48-72 hours, you should stay away from hot foods and drinks. Soft and room temperature foods (such as soup, yoghurt, pudding, bread crumbs) are suitable. Acidic fruit juices, alcoholic beverages and spicy foods should be avoided. If the patient has diabetes, he should continue to eat carefully and regularly in accordance with the recommendations of his doctor.
  3. You should not smoke for 4-5 days following the implant surgery. Smoking should not be avoided after surgery, as it will irritate the wound area, jeopardize healing and increase the temperature in the mouth. In patients who smoke excessively, it is difficult to close the sutures in the wound area. This can also lead to inflammation.
  4. Edema (swelling) is observed at the end of oral surgery. It’s normal. This edema can be alleviated with an ice pack applied on the operation area intermittently on the first day (applying 5-10 minutes and resting for 10-15 minutes). Continuous use of the ice pack can cause ice burns. Therefore, ice application should be applied at intervals as described above. At the end of the first 72 hours, edema or swelling will begin to decrease gradually. Take care to use the painkillers recommended by your dentist for a certain period of time.
  5. Avoid blowing movements that will stretch your cheek to protect your stitches. Do not touch your finger or tongue to the seams. If any of your stitches come off within the first 5 days, it would be beneficial to check with your dentist again. If necessary, your dentist may suture again.
  6. Follow your dentist’s prescription for post-operative recovery. Aspirin or similar drugs that increase bleeding (salicylic acid derivative) should not be taken. The most severe pain is in the first 6 hours when the effect of local anesthesia wears off. However, if your pain is so severe that you cannot bear it, you should consult your doctor.
  7. You can apply normal brushing procedures to the non-operated areas. Brush the teeth in the operation area without touching the sutures and gums. Approximately two days after the operation, gargle with the mouthwash recommended by your dentist, after brushing your teeth twice a day in the morning and evening.
  8. At the end of the period recommended by your doctor (7-10 days), have your stitches removed. Your doctor will make an appointment and follow up with you depending on your oral and healing speed. Be sure to attend your appointments.

Long-term care recommendations after implant surgery:

If you want to use your new teeth efficiently for many years after your implant treatment is completed, you should be very careful about implant care. Just like your natural teeth and gums, a meticulous protection process is required for implant care. For a long-lasting implant use, it will be sufficient to pay attention to the following short tips.

  1. An over-implant prosthesis is made on each implant. This prosthesis can be a single dental crown or bridge prosthesis, or it can be a fixed or removable prosthesis on the implant. Food residues accumulating around the implant can lead to implant disease called implantitis, just like gum disease. For this reason, the part where the implant and the gingiva meet, the spaces between the implant and the neighboring teeth should be cleaned carefully. For this, you should use dental floss and an interface brush in addition to a regular toothbrush. Your dentist will show you how to use it.

2.Do not forget to clean your tongue and palate as well as your teeth. Bacteria living on the tongue and palate can damage the teeth and gums. In addition, using a mouthwash will help a lot in removing bacteria from the mouth.

  1. Do not neglect your dental calculus and tartar cleaning. You can have it cleaned every 6 months or once a year, depending on your oral condition.
  2. Sometimes, although it is thought that everything seems to be normal, there may be melting in the bone around the implant. In order to detect this early, it is useful to shoot a panoramic film once a year and then once every two years. These main 4 items are very important for implant care in the long term.

What Kind of Path Is Followed in Implant Treatment?

Before starting the implant treatment, a specialist doctor examination is performed in the first place. In this examination, a detailed scan is performed as a result of the jaw bone structure, bone density and films taken. The implant is made with a titanium component that fuses best with human bone. If the patient does not have sufficient bone ratio, bone formation is performed for his jaw by means of graft side bone powder. If our patient has sufficient bone ratio, the implant process can be started immediately. After the patient and doctor have discussed all the necessary details and the brand to be used for the implant procedure, it is time to take the measurement. Implant dimensions are determined according to the patient’s oral and film results.

After the implants are prepared, the implant socket is opened on the patient’s jawbone under local anesthesia and the necessary screwing process begins. The implant attached to the jawbone fuses well with the bone in about 6 weeks. The patient can easily have the desired product and feature tooth placed on the implant. After all implant procedures are completed, all the patient has to do is hygienic implant care.

turkey dental clinic

Antalya Dental Tourism

The country that makes quality accessible to everyone; Dental Treatment in Turkey

Antalya is one of the most developed tourism cities in Turkey and is at a very advanced point in the health sector. Antalya, which is in a very important position in terms of dental tourism, is one of the cities visited by many patients from foreign countries. While our clinic accepts many patients from all over the world, it is also the first choice point for our other patients.

Why Turkey Should Be Preferred for Dental Treatment?

Antalya hosts over one million health tourists every year, most of which are dental tourists. The number of patients coming to Turkey is constantly increasing, thanks to dental tourism, which has become increasingly widespread and has received much more demand in the last 10 years.

Reasons for Preferring Turkey in Dental Treatment

Turkey is a country that provides services at European standards, thanks to its technology in dentistry and the quality service approach it has adopted.

It has expert and experienced health personnel in the field.

Especially the city of Antalya is number one among the cities preferred for dental tourism. The reason for this is that it has an extremely rich cultural heritage in terms of climate, nature and tourism.

The main reason why Turkey is preferred in dental tourism compared to European countries is that it can offer dental treatments at both high quality and affordable prices.

Dental Tourism Prices in Turkey and Antalya

Turkey provides an advantage in terms of price in the field of dental tourism, as in many other areas. It not only offers affordable dental treatment services, but also offers a wonderful holiday service to all its guests who want to spend their holidays in this beautiful city.

As Dental Clinic Turkey, our aim is to provide quality and comfortable services that you can trust in your dental treatments, combining a very enjoyable holiday with a beautiful smile from our country.

In the dental treatments we have been serving for a long time, we are known both in the country and abroad with our affordable, quality services and our expert dentist staff.

Popular Treatments Offered to People Who Prefer Dental Tourism in Antalya

Many different health services are also offered for those who come abroad within the scope of dental tourism. We can list the most preferred services in our country as follows:

Aesthetic tooth filling operations, Teeth whitening, Dental Implant, Orthodontics, Aesthetic lamina, Dental spa, Digital smile design, Dental prostheses, Porcelen Veneer

With our dental tourism and treatment services we offer compared to European countries, we bring you together with quality at an affordable price. You can contact us to get information about the VIP service process and treatments we offer you with our expert dentist staff.

Why Choose Antalya in Dental Tourism?

There is a vacation option for everyone. Antalya; With its unique natural beauties, blue flag beaches, luxury hotels, beaches along the coast, it is among the prominent holiday resorts both in Turkey and in the world. It can be visited in all seasons, especially due to its climate. You can swim in Antalya even in December. At this point, Antalya stands out with its dental tourism, allowing its visitors to have an unforgettable experience.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Tourism in Turkey

How can I make an appointment with your clinic?

You can reach us directly by phone, e-mail, live chat or whatsapp. You can call us from our contact numbers or fill out the form on our site in line with your special needs and send it to us.

Will my family accompany me during my treatment? Where can they stay?

When making an appointment with us, please inform us about this. Ask about special discounted hotel reservations and transfer opportunities.

I can not speak Turkish. How can you help me?

Our doctors and staff speak fluent English. We have patient consent and information forms in your language or in English. In addition to this, we also have staff who speak German, French and Russian in our clinic.

How will I come to Turkey for Dental Treatment?

Coming to Turkey is quite easy. Turkish Airlines (THY) has direct flights from many international airports. For detailed information about Turkish Airlines’ flight schedules, visit In addition, Corendon Airlines has direct flights to Antalya at very affordable prices. For detailed information about Corendon Airlines’ flight schedules, visit

Is your clinic authorized for Health Tourism?

Our clinic, T.C. It is authorized by the Ministry of Health on Health Tourism. Our clinic has the Health Tourism Authorization Certificate.

In particular, if I need to be in Turkey frequently during the diagnosis and follow-up processes of my treatment, should I get a visa every time?

For multiple entries, please apply to the Turkish Embassy in your country in advance to learn about the details. Your application will also be supported by documents to be provided by us stating the planned duration of treatment.

What documents should I send you?

We request that you provide us with all relevant information about your medical condition, including X-rays, test results, your medical and dental history and records, and any medications you are currently using.

What information should I provide when making a dental appointment?

We kindly ask you to let us know your name and surname, your residence address, date of birth, a brief summary of your problem and your preferred appointment date, as written in your passport.

Can I get treatment at your clinic without an appointment?

In order to avoid delays and conflicts, we recommend that you make an appointment before you arrive. Our professional team will inform you about treatment costs, payment options, local excursions, visa procedures, guidance services and correspondence with international insurance companies. In line with your request, they will make the necessary arrangements for your diagnosis and treatment.

Could you inform me about your sterilization processes?

In the current technological situation, the best sterilization method in dentistry is autoclave sterilization. The quality and effectiveness of this process may vary between autoclave brands and models. Our sterilization processes include ultrasonic pre-cleaning and autoclave sterilization. All the devices we use in this process fully comply with the European Union EN13060 norms.