Broken Tooth

What Causes a Broken Tooth?

Tooth fracture can be caused by many factors. Among them:

Physical injuries: Teeth may break due to reasons such as falling, hitting, impact.

Bad eating habits: Excessive sugary and crusty hard foods, chewing and exploring behaviors can weaken the teeth and cause fractures.

Genetic factors: Some people may have congenitally weak gums and teeth, increasing the risk of fractures.

Saliva pH balance disorder: When saliva creates an acidic environment, teeth weaken and the risk of fracture increases.

Diseases and infections: Periodontitis (gum disease) or infections in the tooth can weaken the tooth structure and increase the risk of fracture.

What is the Effect of Dental Health on Broken Teeth?

Dental health does not directly affect the occurrence of tooth fractures, but regular dental care and dental practices can help teeth become more durable. In addition, harmful habits such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and excess chocolate can increase the risk of tooth fracture.

What Should Be Considered To Prevent Teeth From Breaking?

Maintain your oral hygiene morning and evening and brush your teeth

use dental floss

Cut down on sugary foods and drinks

Get your oral health checked and have regular dental checkups

Reduce or quit smoking and alcohol use

Eat hard or crusty foods slowly and carefully

Wear a plaque that protects your teeth during sleep.

These steps can help protect your teeth from harmful factors and reduce the risk of fracture.

Fracture of Front Teeth

The anterior teeth are the teeth that are most under stress during people’s daily eating and speaking activities and therefore are at a higher risk of fracture. A broken front tooth can cause toothache, bleeding in the gingival membrane and infection. After being examined by the dentist, the necessary treatment is applied to the broken front teeth.

Molar Fracture

What are the Treatment Options for Broken ToothThe molars are the teeth at the back of the teeth that help break down food. The risk of breaking molars is lower than anterior teeth, but there is still a possibility of fracture. A broken molar can cause toothache, bleeding in the gingival membrane, and infection. The treatment of broken molars is treated after the examination by the dentist.

Broken Teeth in Babies

Babies can also suffer from broken teeth. These can often be caused by natural cavities in the gums, or they can be caused by poor dietary habits (for example, eating sugary foods frequently or clenching baby teeth during sleep). The broken baby tooth should be treated by the dentist or it may fall out on its own, and it may cause the burial teeth that will replace the baby teeth not to erupt in time.

What are the Treatment Options for Broken Tooth?

Treatment of tooth fractures may vary depending on the size of the fracture, where it is in the tooth, and the internal structure of the tooth. Treatment options may include: using pain relievers, cleaning the fracture site, covering the broken tooth using porcelain or composite materials, and using a prosthetic tooth placed on the surrounding teeth for completely lost teeth. Because each situation is different, it is recommended to consult a dentist for the most appropriate treatment option.

How Are Tooth Breaks Treated?

Treatment of tooth fractures differs according to the size of the fracture, where it is in the tooth, and the internal structure of the tooth. In general, treatment of broken teeth may consist of the following steps: Pain medications can be used to relieve pain. The fracture site is cleaned by the dentist and the risk of infection is reduced.

Depending on the size of the fracture, the tooth can be treated by the dentist using porcelain, composite or plastic materials. Closure can be done on the broken tooth by using porcelain or composite materials. For teeth that are completely lost, a prosthesis made on the surrounding teeth can replace the fracture of the tooth. Because each situation is different, it is recommended to consult a dentist for the most appropriate treatment option.

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